Recreational Vehicals are an important part of summer bluegrass festivals. The RV industry has made changes making today's units lighter and more affordable. The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 27, 2010, ran an article that highlights changes in the industry. Read about it
The Aliner Classic pictured here is a slight 1,530# with a gross weight capacity of 2,000#. It can be towed by most any vehicle. Other RV companies offer similarly light weight products.
Information related to NIBGA that probably is not on our web site at During the Memorial & Labor Day weekend festival at the Noble County 4H Fairgrounds in Kendallville, IN check Facebook for updates
Pageviews last month
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Old Time Jam date change
The Firehouse Tea and Coffee Café 1245 East State Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46805 (260) 444-4071 is closed on New Years Day, so we will NOT be jamming this weekend, Jan 1. We will be meeting two weeks after that on Jan 15.
I hope we get a big crowd because rumor has it that someone from the paper is coming to do a feature on the café and our jam as well.
We are still committed to strictly Southern Old Time music. I’ve attached a sample tune, which I hope to do before each session, as a suggested tune of the week to learn. This is a 1924 record of Old Liza Jane by Uncle Am Stuart (,
Matthew Katinsky
GIS Programmer, SGSI
260-484-4880 (phone)
260-445-3348 (cell)
Friday, December 03, 2010
Guitarist David Grier at the Livery in Benton Harbor, MI
David Grier's father, Lamar Grier, was the banjo player in Bill Monroe's Blue Grass Boys, and David's childhood home often doubled as rehearsal space.
WHO: David Grier
WHEN: 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010
WHERE: The Livery, 190 Fifth St., Benton Harbor, MI 49022-3484
Bluegrass Guitar tabs in PDF format
An extensive list of tablature for the bluegrass guitar can be found at BluegrassGuitar.
Bluegrass jam; Madison, IN Dec. 4, 2010
Bluegrass Music Dec. 4 Jefferson County 4-H Fairgrounds, Madison, IN. 6:00 p.m. Admission free.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Fran Miller died Nov. 27, 2010
Frances J. Miller, 88, of White Pigeon, died Saturday, Nov. 27, 2010, at Borgess Medical Center in Kalamazoo of natural causes.
Fran is the wife of Zeb Miller. They have attended NIBGA festivals for many years and could be found at the top of Michigan hill with their many friends playing music.
Fran is the wife of Zeb Miller. They have attended NIBGA festivals for many years and could be found at the top of Michigan hill with their many friends playing music.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wheatfield Jam Nov. 26, 2010
Just a reminder about the jam session this Friday. Hope to see everyone there!
Pot luck dinner
Wheatfield Municipal Building
170 S. Grace St.
Wheatfield, In 46392
There will not be a jam in December because it falls on Christmas day. Our next jam will be on New Years Day.
Bobby Davis
Pot luck dinner
Wheatfield Municipal Building
170 S. Grace St.
Wheatfield, In 46392
There will not be a jam in December because it falls on Christmas day. Our next jam will be on New Years Day.
Bobby Davis
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
NIBGA board meeting minutes Nov. 21, 2010
November 21, 2010 Meeting of Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association
At South West Conservation Club, 5703 Bluffton Road , Fort Wayne , IN 46809
The meeting was called to order by Vice President – Joe Steiner at 12:25 P.M.
Officers present were: Board Directors:
Vice-President - Joe Steiner T.J. Collins
Secretary - Barbara Collins Paul Saurborn
Pam Keiper – Via conference phone call
Others present were: Taxi Chair – Chris Cooperrider: Vendor Chair – Jeanette Young
Three other members were present in the meeting.
Jim and Linda Winger were absent because they were at their 50th Anniversary Party. Congratulations Jim & Linda.
The minutes of the last meeting were e-mailed by Sect Barbara Collins on October 17, 2010 to all officers.
T.J. Collins motioned to accept . Second by Paul Saurborn. All approve. Motion carried.
The Treasurer Linda Winger sent the October Financial report to each officer, Totals as of 10/31/10.
Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. T.J. Collins second. All approve. Motion carried.
The contract for 2010/1011 between Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association and South West Conservation Club has been signed and paid as of 10/17/10. This is where the meetings for Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb., March & April are held. The jamming is open to all ~ Beginning at noon until about 6:00 P.M. the third Sunday of each month that meetings are held.
501c3 research. Chris Cooperrider has been researching all the details of becoming a 501c3 club. There are a lot of details (rules and regulations) and forms involved. Chris explained all the details she has gathered up to now. Chris reported that it is very involved and detailed and will take a lot of work to achieve this. She will continue to research and work on the project. At this point we do not qualify for 501c3.
TABLE: 501c3 until further meetings.
Joe Steiner will continue to work on the Electrical problem at the gate area.
T-Shirt project. Linda Winger has captured all historical shirt designs and posted them on the web. She needs to know who designed some of the early ones. Are we missing any? If anyone has any helpful information about past T-shirts, will you please contact or give her a call.
TABLE: Vendor chair Jeanette Young will look at the Wood Vendor situation. She has had several offers and will need to settle on one vendor by May.
Joe Steiner – Band Chairman – gave a list of bands hired and ones being considered for Spring and Fall 2011 Festivals. There was discussion and suggestions on bands the club is interested in.
Consideration – possible change to workshop format.
Add intensive workshop to festival, maybe Friday during the day?
Earmark money for an instructor. Discussion followed. Each attendee would possible pay $20.00 each for a 4 to 6 hour instructional class.
Paul Saurborn motioned to earmark $500.00 for an instructor in an extended workshop. Pam Keiper second. All approved. Motion carried.
There was discussion about instructor possibilities. Paul motioned for Joe Steiner to find an instructor. T.J. second. All approve. Motion carried.
Advertising for 2011
Ads committing to Tri-State blue book in MO & Terry Lease S. IL 125.00 each full page.
Approval to continue that add.
IBMA guide has an ad (as part of our sponsorship cost.)
Discussion on advertising budget for 2011. It was decided to go with last year’s budget.
T.J. Collins motioned to set the advertising budget at $6,000.00. Paul second. All approve. Motion carried.
Advance tent rental due 12/31/10 to get the discount.
The discount is a significant savings.
Paul Saurborn motioned to accept the savings offer. T.J. Collins second. All approve. Motion carried. Treasurer Linda Winger will send payment before 12/31/10.
Postage is going up in 2011. Linda Winger purchased 4,000 forever stamps. This will result in a large savings if rates go up.
Barbara Collins motioned to approve the purchase. Paul Saurborn second. All approve. Motion carried.
Xymmetric internet mail and domain name fee is $135.00 every 6 months. Need approval to pay.
Barbara Collins motioned to pay. Paul Saurborn second. All approved. Motion carried.
Evernote Premium.
Evernote allows posting of events fliers on web site.
Premium version will allow OCR on additional files, at cost of $45.00 per year.
(There was discussion and an explanation of this feature)
T.J. Collins motioned to purchase the Evernote Premium one year on a trial basis and see how it works for us. Paul Saurborn second. All approve. Motion Carried.
There were no expenses to approve.
T.J. Collins motioned to adjourn. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Carried. 1:45 P.M.
Sincerely – NIBGA Secretary – Barbara Collins
The next board meeting is Sunday January 16, 2011.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
NIBGA T-shirt designs
Linda has taken pictures of many of the T-shirt designs used over the years. They are in the Picasa web album.
Take a look and see if you can help with corrections or additions.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
10/17/2010 NIBGA board meeting minutes
October 17, 2010 Meeting of Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association at South West Conservation Club, 5703 Bluffton Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Winger at 1:00 P.M.
All officers present were: Board Directors:
President – Jim Winger T.J. Collins
V. President – Joe Steiner Pam Keiper
Secretary – Barbara Collins Paul Saurborn
Treasurer – Linda Winger Acting for Joe Wyandt who resigned – Dave Keiper
Vendor Chair - Jeanette Young; Taxi Chair – Chris Cooperrider; Associate Gate Captain – Leslie Ellis; and 4 Other members.
Board Officers for 2010/2011.
Dues renewal will be reduced starting now until April 30, 2011. The 2010/2011 membership will be $5.00 per single membership & $7.00 for family. The new 2011/2012 membership will begin May 1, 2011 and return to 10.00 per single membership and $15.00 for a family. You will receive a membership card to carry and a newsletter each month of your membership (except Dec.) Apply at NIBGA, 5034 Wapiti Court, Fort Wayne, IN. 46804-4946 (260) 918-4790 or Secretary Barbara Collins, 6731 State Road 8, Butler, IN 46721
The motion to adjourn was by Pam Keiper. Second by Paul Saurborn. Time 3:20P.M.
Sincerely ~ NIBGA Secretary – Barbara Collins
NEXT MEETING --- November 21, 2010 at the SWCC
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Winger at 1:00 P.M.
All officers present were: Board Directors:
President – Jim Winger T.J. Collins
V. President – Joe Steiner Pam Keiper
Secretary – Barbara Collins Paul Saurborn
Treasurer – Linda Winger Acting for Joe Wyandt who resigned – Dave Keiper
Vendor Chair - Jeanette Young; Taxi Chair – Chris Cooperrider; Associate Gate Captain – Leslie Ellis; and 4 Other members.
- The minutes of the last meeting were e-mailed by Sect Barbara Collins on September 8th, 2010. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept the minutes as read. T.J. Collins second. All approve. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Linda Winger e-mailed the August and September Financial reports to the officers. It was reviewed at the meeting. Pam Keiper motioned to accept. Paul Saurborn second. All approved. Motion carried.
- There was a review of the Fall 2010 Festival Income and Expenses. Tres. Linda Winger handed each officer a copy of the Preliminary report (as of 10/15/10). No action needed.
- Pres. Jim Winger gave each officer a copy of ‘Attendance and Income History. This is a history of May 2000 to Sept 2010. Covers = Weekend tickets sold, Electric sold, Friday/Saturday/Sunday daily tickets sold, Income, Expenses, Net Profit, % Profile, # of people total attendance. And a notation of the weather at each festival.
- Question- Why did we only make $10,000.00? Down about 700 people. Didn’t loose money. How can we increase attendance? This will be discussed later as the meetings go on through the winter.
The Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association’s contract for 2010/2011 with South West Conservation Club has been signed and paid as of 10/17/10. This is where the meetings for Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb., March and April are held. The Jamming is open to all beginning about noon until 6:00 P.M. the third Sunday of each month of the meetings. OLD BUSINESS
- International Bluegrass Music Association Convention reports by: Jim Winger, Chris Cooperrider, Joe Steiner & Linda Winger. Each gave a report of the events of the week, seminars they attended, what they learned and observed. Many bands were watched for possible entertainment for Kendallville festivals 2011.
- Consideration of possibility of workshops with Bull Harmon in 2011
- NIBGA as an IBMA sponsor at the 2010 Convention in Nashville in early October. Report from Joe Steiner. NIBGA gained much attention and feel the sponsorship was worth while.
- The Danny Bryant (limb on truck) accident was discussed. It will be taken care of by fairgrounds insurance
- 501c3 investigation will be continued by Pres. Jim Winger. Priority for this winter.
Board Officers for 2010/2011.
- All officers have agreed to continue in their offices. Officers will be same as 2009/2010 except for the resignation of Joe Wyandt. Joe resigned due to health problems. His position will not be filled. The officers agreed to continue with 7 officers. All other volunteer help is welcomed and appreciated.
- A band list composed by V. Pres./Band Chairman Joe Steiner was reviewed. These are bands being considered for the 2011 Festival season.
- Band Budget was discussed. In 2010 Band Chair Joe S. did not use the entire budget allowed. Paul Saurborn motioned to set the 2011 Band Budget again at $30,000.00 cap per festival.. T.J Collins second the motion. All approve. Motion carried.
- An email from a man at the festival mentioned the electrical problems close to his camper. The electrical repairs are considered fixed. Joe S. will contact the man on the subject.
- Taxis – Will look at the problem with the 6 seat golf cart the drivers had at F10.
- Golf Carts for officers and Gate Captains. Will use the same amount as this year for the next festival.
- Port-a-jons – Will order 7. Same amount as 2010.
- Security – Will continue with the same hours on Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
- Vendors – Jeanette Young Vendor Chair said some backed out because of lack of sales. It was agreed that there were enough food vendors. Discussion on what type of vendors would be successful at our Bluegrass festivals. Jim Winger gave a suggestion on ways to generate business for the vendors.
- TABLE: Need discussion and decisions on wood vendors. And - how to attract new vendors.
- Bass vendor said he didn’t sell any Basses.
- TABLE for November: /Advertising for 2011, Find economical ways to advertise to the public.
Dues renewal will be reduced starting now until April 30, 2011. The 2010/2011 membership will be $5.00 per single membership & $7.00 for family. The new 2011/2012 membership will begin May 1, 2011 and return to 10.00 per single membership and $15.00 for a family. You will receive a membership card to carry and a newsletter each month of your membership (except Dec.) Apply at NIBGA, 5034 Wapiti Court, Fort Wayne, IN. 46804-4946 (260) 918-4790 or Secretary Barbara Collins, 6731 State Road 8, Butler, IN 46721
The motion to adjourn was by Pam Keiper. Second by Paul Saurborn. Time 3:20P.M.
Sincerely ~ NIBGA Secretary – Barbara Collins
NEXT MEETING --- November 21, 2010 at the SWCC
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Six stolen guitars
Nov. 3, 2010
I have had 7 guitars stolen from my house in Pacifica,CA. ... 6 Santa Cruz Guitar Company guitars and 1 1951 Model OO Martin Guitar. I am currently in Atlanta, GA on a business trip
(Serial Numbers & pictures available)
1. Martin - 1951 OO mahogany back and sides, OO is a smaller body type,
solid headstock
The Santa Cruz Guitars include:
2. 12 Fret H Model Brazilian Rosewood, German Spruce top, slotted headstock
3. 12 Fret parlor Brazilian Rosewood, German spruce top, slotted headstock with antique gold tuners 4. H Model Koa Guitar, back, sides, top, and headstock with abalone purfling in 41-style - serial # H 259
5. 000 12 Fret mahogany slotted headstock - serial #OOO 510
6. F cutaway with Walnut back and sides, Sitka Spruce top - serial # F 285
All have ornamention such as abalone and mother of pearl purfling, wood veneers on headstock, custom work of all kinds.
If you are offered any of these guitars for sale, please contact me immediately. They are a cherished part of my life and I would like to regain possession if possible... Please help me regain these.
Thank you.
Joe Orlando
I have had 7 guitars stolen from my house in Pacifica,CA. ... 6 Santa Cruz Guitar Company guitars and 1 1951 Model OO Martin Guitar. I am currently in Atlanta, GA on a business trip
(Serial Numbers & pictures available)
1. Martin - 1951 OO mahogany back and sides, OO is a smaller body type,
solid headstock
The Santa Cruz Guitars include:
2. 12 Fret H Model Brazilian Rosewood, German Spruce top, slotted headstock
3. 12 Fret parlor Brazilian Rosewood, German spruce top, slotted headstock with antique gold tuners 4. H Model Koa Guitar, back, sides, top, and headstock with abalone purfling in 41-style - serial # H 259
5. 000 12 Fret mahogany slotted headstock - serial #OOO 510
6. F cutaway with Walnut back and sides, Sitka Spruce top - serial # F 285
All have ornamention such as abalone and mother of pearl purfling, wood veneers on headstock, custom work of all kinds.
If you are offered any of these guitars for sale, please contact me immediately. They are a cherished part of my life and I would like to regain possession if possible... Please help me regain these.
Thank you.
Joe Orlando
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Bluegrass Opry Barn lineup change for Nov. 6
Hello Everyone,
There has been a slight change of schedule for the upcoming Nov 6, 2010 show at The Bluegrass Opry Barn.
Melvin Goins will not be appearing. Melvin is experiencing some health problems. We hope to reschedule Melvin later in the season and hope that he has a speedy recovery. Melvin is a gem in the Bluegrass world.
Appearing Nov 6, 2010 will be
The New Old Timers
John Arms
Steve Scott
There has been a slight change of schedule for the upcoming Nov 6, 2010 show at The Bluegrass Opry Barn.
Melvin Goins will not be appearing. Melvin is experiencing some health problems. We hope to reschedule Melvin later in the season and hope that he has a speedy recovery. Melvin is a gem in the Bluegrass world.
Appearing Nov 6, 2010 will be
The New Old Timers
John Arms
Steve Scott
Charlie Gilbert died Oct. 22, 2010
Charlie Gilbert passed away Friday of natural causes at his apartmen in Warsaw, IN.
A wake will be held Tuesday 10/ 26/2010 at the St John Bosco Funeral home in Churubusco IN. Funeral services will be held Wed 10/27/2010.
Musicians are encouraged to bring their instruments to the wake Tuesday .
Charlie was the banjo player for Gilbert and Company.
Charlie will be sadly missed by family and friends and those who liked good banjo playing.....
God rest his soul !
Chere McKinley
Charlie played in several bands over the years including Tippy River and Possum Trot Orchestra. He appeared on our stage several times, the last being Memorial weekend 2010.
From the funeral home web site:
![]() |
Charlie on the NIBGA stage May 28, 2010 |
Musicians are encouraged to bring their instruments to the wake Tuesday .
Charlie was the banjo player for Gilbert and Company.
Charlie will be sadly missed by family and friends and those who liked good banjo playing.....
God rest his soul !
Chere McKinley
Charlie played in several bands over the years including Tippy River and Possum Trot Orchestra. He appeared on our stage several times, the last being Memorial weekend 2010.
From the funeral home web site:
The family requests that memorials be directed to the Otis R. Bowen Center for Human Services, 850 N. Harrison Street, Warsaw, IN 46580.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Dave Evans retires from the road!
Mrs. BLUEgrass here with stunning news:
Dave Evans announced he's retiring from regular touring schedule, and sticking closer to home. He made this announcement on my weekly, live radio program, "The First Generation BlueGrass Show" on Community Radio, WMMT, 88.7fm, via telephone last Wednesday, Oct.13.
Arthritis and Diabetes are the two main reasons he gave for his decision, plus, he's the owner of "The Bluegrass Palace", in Watts, KY [close to Jackson, Hazard], a small but lively venue where his band, Riverbend, are the host band. You can't miss it, it's in the Watts Fire House, right along KY 15.
His shows are monthly, with plans for a special New Year's Eve celebration, complete with New Years Day Breakfast, cooked by Dave himself!
This is sad news to hear. I remember seeing Dave perform at the Berkshire Mountains Bluegrass Festival in the 1970's, and as for north as Brunswick, the Thomas Point Bluegrass well as points in between.
Great memories will last forever.......
Becky Johnson
Thanks Bobby for this scoop!
Dave Evans announced he's retiring from regular touring schedule, and sticking closer to home. He made this announcement on my weekly, live radio program, "The First Generation BlueGrass Show" on Community Radio, WMMT, 88.7fm, via telephone last Wednesday, Oct.13.
Arthritis and Diabetes are the two main reasons he gave for his decision, plus, he's the owner of "The Bluegrass Palace", in Watts, KY [close to Jackson, Hazard], a small but lively venue where his band, Riverbend, are the host band. You can't miss it, it's in the Watts Fire House, right along KY 15.
His shows are monthly, with plans for a special New Year's Eve celebration, complete with New Years Day Breakfast, cooked by Dave himself!
This is sad news to hear. I remember seeing Dave perform at the Berkshire Mountains Bluegrass Festival in the 1970's, and as for north as Brunswick, the Thomas Point Bluegrass well as points in between.
Great memories will last forever.......
Becky Johnson
Thanks Bobby for this scoop!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Charlie Louvin benefit 10/30/2010
ELL BUCKLE, TENN. -- Country Music Hall of Fame and Grand Ole Opry member Charlie Louvin of the legendary Louvin Brothers is fighting pancreatic cancer.
In an effort to help defray Louvin's astronomical medical costs, the Bell Buckle Banquet Hall in historic Bell Buckle, Tenn., is hosting a benefit concert and auction Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010 from noon to 9 p.m. The event will be hosted by Louvin and Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike.
Mored details of the event.
In an effort to help defray Louvin's astronomical medical costs, the Bell Buckle Banquet Hall in historic Bell Buckle, Tenn., is hosting a benefit concert and auction Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010 from noon to 9 p.m. The event will be hosted by Louvin and Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike.
Mored details of the event.
RV Industry recovering?
The Oct. 15, 2010 Wall Street Journal had an article regarding Winnebago and their improved earnings. The first paragraphs said:
This bodes well for the Bluegrass Industry which relies heavily on campers at outdoor festivals.
Profit at recreational-vehicle maker Winnebago Industries Inc. has revved up in recent months, though the industry is still operating at half-speed, following a sales slide during the economic recession.
The Forest City, Iowa, company on Thursday posted a profit of $4.9 million, or 17 cents a share, for its fiscal fourth quarter that ended Aug. 28, compared with a year-earlier loss of $50.2 million, or $1.73 a share, which included a $1.41-a-share write-down of deferred tax assets. Revenue more than doubled to $123.1 million from a year earlier.
For the year, Winnebago said motor-home shipments more than doubled and dealer inventory for its vehicles jumped 21%.
This bodes well for the Bluegrass Industry which relies heavily on campers at outdoor festivals.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
On-line banjo workshops

Learn with top-notch teachers and fellow Hangout members using the Hangout Chatroom!
Each workshop has a specific topic, teacher, date/time, and price. Please read workshop descriptions, then sign up if you're interested!
You do not need a webcam, or even a microphone, to participate!
You can also find a large number of banjo tabs on their web site.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Breakfast is served!
The NIBGA meeting place (Southwest Conservation Club, 5703 Bluffton Rd
Fort Wayne, IN 46809-2157) will be serving breakfast for the early birds next Sunday, October 17. The NIBGA meeting starts at noon but come early and enjoy a great breakfast at a remarkably low price. Sandwiches and drinks are also available.
The public is welcome. Bring your acoustic instrument or just come and enjoy the music.
Fort Wayne, IN 46809-2157) will be serving breakfast for the early birds next Sunday, October 17. The NIBGA meeting starts at noon but come early and enjoy a great breakfast at a remarkably low price. Sandwiches and drinks are also available.
The public is welcome. Bring your acoustic instrument or just come and enjoy the music.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
New officers at IBMA and the Bluegrass Foundation
![]() |
Greg Cahill |
![]() |
Stan Zdonik |
Greg was elected President of the The Foundation for Bluegrass Music.
Created in 2007, the Foundation for Bluegrass Music is a non-profit charitable organization (501c3) created to serve as an “umbrella” under which funds can be placed and disbursed to support educational, literary, artistic and historic preservation activities of public benefit.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Old Time String Band jam
A reminder that we are having our old-time music jam in Fort Wayne Oct. 2 from 2 to 4:30 pm at the Firefly Coffee House, 3523 North Anthony Boulevard, Fort Wayne, IN.
Forecast is for cool weather, so we may have to play inside.
Forecast is for cool weather, so we may have to play inside.
International Bluegrass Music Association Announces 2010 Award Winners
Dailey & Vincent, Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper, Adam Steffey, The Gibson Brothers and Russell Moore Receive Multiple Awards
NASHVILLE, TN - The 21st Annual International Bluegrass Music Awards, hosted by Sharon and Cheryl White and Jerry Douglas, was broadcast live on Sirius XM from Nashville, Tennessee's historic Ryman Auditorium on September 30, 2010. Dailey & Vincent took home top honors with their third consecutive award for Entertainer of the Year.
Dailey & Vincent were also recipients of their third straight Vocal Group of the Year award, their second award for Album of the Year for Dailey & Vincent Sing the Statler Brothers, Recorded Event of the Year with Larry Stephenson for "Give This Message to Your Heart" and Best Graphic Design for Recorded Project (Dailey & Vincent Sing the Statler Brothers), awarded in an earlier ceremony.
Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper received three awards, including Instrumental Group of the Year, Cleveland's eighth Fiddle Player of the Year award and Marshall Wilborn's second consecutive award for Bass Player of the Year.
Adam Steffey accepted two awards, including his seventh Mandolin Player of the Year award and Instrumental Recorded Performance of the Year for "Durang's Hornpipe." The Gibson Brothers were recognized with two honors, their first since 1998, with "Ring the Bell" for Song of the Year and Gospel Performance of the Year. Receiving two awards tonight, The Josh Williams Band won Emerging Artist of the Year and Guitar Player of the Year (Josh Williams).
Other instrumentalist awards included Rob Ickes with his twelfth award for Dobro Player of the Year and The Grascals' Kristin Scott Benson for her third consecutive honor for Banjo Player of the Year.
Russell Moore of IIIrd Tyme Out accepted his third award for Male Vocalist of the Year. Claire Lynch received her second award for Female Vocalist of the Year.
Louise Scruggs and John Hartford were posthumously inducted into the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame. The IBMA's Distinguished Achievement Award honorees were Benjamin F. "Tex" Logan, Sherry Boyd, Lynn Morris, Richard Weize and Pete "Dr. Banjo" Wernick.
It was an evening of heartfelt and humorous moments, surprise guests and honors for a diverse mix of new artists and longtime favorites.
For more information and a complete list of awards.
NASHVILLE, TN - The 21st Annual International Bluegrass Music Awards, hosted by Sharon and Cheryl White and Jerry Douglas, was broadcast live on Sirius XM from Nashville, Tennessee's historic Ryman Auditorium on September 30, 2010. Dailey & Vincent took home top honors with their third consecutive award for Entertainer of the Year.
Dailey & Vincent were also recipients of their third straight Vocal Group of the Year award, their second award for Album of the Year for Dailey & Vincent Sing the Statler Brothers, Recorded Event of the Year with Larry Stephenson for "Give This Message to Your Heart" and Best Graphic Design for Recorded Project (Dailey & Vincent Sing the Statler Brothers), awarded in an earlier ceremony.
Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper received three awards, including Instrumental Group of the Year, Cleveland's eighth Fiddle Player of the Year award and Marshall Wilborn's second consecutive award for Bass Player of the Year.
Adam Steffey accepted two awards, including his seventh Mandolin Player of the Year award and Instrumental Recorded Performance of the Year for "Durang's Hornpipe." The Gibson Brothers were recognized with two honors, their first since 1998, with "Ring the Bell" for Song of the Year and Gospel Performance of the Year. Receiving two awards tonight, The Josh Williams Band won Emerging Artist of the Year and Guitar Player of the Year (Josh Williams).
Other instrumentalist awards included Rob Ickes with his twelfth award for Dobro Player of the Year and The Grascals' Kristin Scott Benson for her third consecutive honor for Banjo Player of the Year.
Russell Moore of IIIrd Tyme Out accepted his third award for Male Vocalist of the Year. Claire Lynch received her second award for Female Vocalist of the Year.
Louise Scruggs and John Hartford were posthumously inducted into the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame. The IBMA's Distinguished Achievement Award honorees were Benjamin F. "Tex" Logan, Sherry Boyd, Lynn Morris, Richard Weize and Pete "Dr. Banjo" Wernick.
It was an evening of heartfelt and humorous moments, surprise guests and honors for a diverse mix of new artists and longtime favorites.
For more information and a complete list of awards.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Sept. 2, 2010 NIBGA board meeting
September 2, 1010 Meeting of the Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association, Noble County Fair Grounds, Kendallville, Indiana 1:00 P.M.
Meeting opened by President Jim Winger.
Officers present: Directors:
Pres. Jim Winger T.J. Collins
Vice-Pres. Joe Steiner Pam Keiper
Secretary – Barbara Collins Paul Saurborn
Treasurer – Linda Winger Dave Keiper
Vendor Chair: Jeanette Young: Taxi Chair: Chris Cooperrider; Gate Captains: Al Ellis, Leslie Ellis, Jan Meade, Dave Smith (George Page); Instrument workshop chair: Dave Vogie.
Pres; Jim Winger gave a projected weather report.
Gate sign ups going alright. Remind volunteers to check the large bills. Especially the $50.00s.
Joe Steiner says no buses so far. There is room for 2 buses at the top of the hill – South side.
Taxi Chair Chris Cooperrider – She need several more to sign up but expects to get plenty as time goes on.
T.J. Collins says grounds are in good shape. Plenty of Handicap spots left south of the stage area.
Jeanette Young vendor chair says all vendors are here that were expected.
Dennis Hoodicheck says GFI wires are melting circuit breakers in some spots. The covers have been removed to let them cool better. There has been yellow caution tape stretched around that area.
Sect. Barbara Collins said there is to much water in the Membership band tent so will move to the larger tent. (It was decided later to keep the merchandise in the Merchants Building for sales. Then moved outside to the tent on Fri., Sat., & Sunday when it was dry.
Dave Vogie Workshop chairman: Fiddle workshop set up. Needs to be announced there will be a Extended Work Shop for beginners on Saturday 9/ 4/10.
WiFi is up. Can be accessed up to about 150 feet north south from the Merchants Building.
Joe Steiner and Jim Winger will go to WAWK radio station in Kendallville at 2:00 for the program “Behind The Mike”.
Meeting adjourned. 1:20 P.M.
Secretary Barbara Collins
Meeting opened by President Jim Winger.
Officers present: Directors:
Pres. Jim Winger T.J. Collins
Vice-Pres. Joe Steiner Pam Keiper
Secretary – Barbara Collins Paul Saurborn
Treasurer – Linda Winger Dave Keiper
Vendor Chair: Jeanette Young: Taxi Chair: Chris Cooperrider; Gate Captains: Al Ellis, Leslie Ellis, Jan Meade, Dave Smith (George Page); Instrument workshop chair: Dave Vogie.
Pres; Jim Winger gave a projected weather report.
Gate sign ups going alright. Remind volunteers to check the large bills. Especially the $50.00s.
Joe Steiner says no buses so far. There is room for 2 buses at the top of the hill – South side.
Taxi Chair Chris Cooperrider – She need several more to sign up but expects to get plenty as time goes on.
T.J. Collins says grounds are in good shape. Plenty of Handicap spots left south of the stage area.
Jeanette Young vendor chair says all vendors are here that were expected.
Dennis Hoodicheck says GFI wires are melting circuit breakers in some spots. The covers have been removed to let them cool better. There has been yellow caution tape stretched around that area.
Sect. Barbara Collins said there is to much water in the Membership band tent so will move to the larger tent. (It was decided later to keep the merchandise in the Merchants Building for sales. Then moved outside to the tent on Fri., Sat., & Sunday when it was dry.
Dave Vogie Workshop chairman: Fiddle workshop set up. Needs to be announced there will be a Extended Work Shop for beginners on Saturday 9/ 4/10.
WiFi is up. Can be accessed up to about 150 feet north south from the Merchants Building.
Joe Steiner and Jim Winger will go to WAWK radio station in Kendallville at 2:00 for the program “Behind The Mike”.
Meeting adjourned. 1:20 P.M.
Secretary Barbara Collins
August 29, 2010 Northern Indiana Bluegrass Assoc. Board meeting
August 29, 2010 Meeting of Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association at the Noble County Fair Grounds, U.S 6, Kendallville, Indiana
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Winger at 2:00p.m.All present were: Board Directors:
President Jim Winger T.J. Collins
Vice-President Joe Steiner Pam Keiper
Secretary Barbara Collins Paul Saurborn
Treasurer Linda Winger Dave Keiper
Vendor Chair: Jeanette Young; Taxi Chair Chris Cooperrider;
Associate Gate Captains: Al Ellis, Leslie Ellis, Jan Meade, Patty Page plus 12 other volunteers.
- Secretary Minutes for the 2 May meetings were sent by Sect. Barbara Collins, via E-mail to all officers in May. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. Pam Keiper second. All say yes. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s reports for April, May, June, & July were sent via E-mail by Treas. Linda Winger via E-mail. As of 8/28/10 Festival income is xxxxx.00. As of 8/29/10 Festival income is xxxxx.00. Joe Steiner motioned to accept. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Motion carried.
- Billboard postponed until 2011. Pres. Jim Winger will look into a different Billboard Company and check on cost.
- Joe & Rachel Wyandt will mail the September newsletters.
- WiFi should be up at the fairground by Monday 8/30/10
- Mosquito spraying at the fairgrounds will be done Wed. P.M. 9/1 or Thurs. A.M. 9/2.
- Street sweeping will be Thurs. A.M. 9/2.
- Trash pickup will be Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun., & Mon.. All A.M. pickups.
- Honey Wagon: 9/1 Wednesday P.M. – RVs only
9/3 Saturday P.M. – RVs and Port-a-jons.
9/4 Sunday 7 A.M.. RVs only
Fee for servicing RVs remains at $10.00
- 501C3 Investigation – Jim W. – No change.
- Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association as a International Bluegrass Music Association sponsor at the fall 2010 Convention in Nashville, Tennessee will sponsor a evening Showcase. A NIBGA representative will have 5 minutes to present our clubs purpose and activities.
- The contract for 2011/2012 between NIBGA and Noble County Fair Board has been signed and returned to NIBGA Pres. Jim Winger.
- The list of officers, gate captains and all receiving a Golf Cart to use at F10 festival was reviewed. These are rented by the association to only be used for Festival business.
- The same amount of Port-a-jons as S10 were rented. Placed in the same spots.
- The Instrument work shop schedule was reviewed.
Greg Reed, Palmer Divide – Guitar 11:15-11:45
Randy Milliman – Bass 10:40-11:10
Ricky Hargis, Grass Street – Banjo 9:30-10:00
Beginning Guitar – Roger Johnson – 1:00-2:00 in the Log Cabin $5.00 fee.
- Any fairground problems are to be taken to Pres. Jim Winger who will pass them to Fair board Pres. Don Moore.
- V. Pres/Band chairman Joe Steiner said we may only have one band bus coming in on Fri. or Sat. that will need 50 amp. Cable. A spot will be held open.
- There will be 2 tickets per band member at the gate. They will each need to sign for their own tickets to prevent confusion.
- Chris Cooperrider – Band Host Chair: At this time all but three bands are assigned a host. Pres. Jim Winger asked Chris to suggest to the host families that they write a small note to be put in the newsletter, describing their experience as Host.
- Blue Railroad Train band will play at Sacred Heart Home in Avilla on Friday 9/3 at 2:00 P.M. Channel 15 might cover this show.
- Announcers will be Terry Thacker/2 shows. Donnie Voiles/2 shows. Terri Grantis. Chris Vogie.
- Gate report: Pam Keiper and Paul Saurborn gate captains report they have a few volunteers signed up for working the gate and expect many more as the days go on.
- Grounds report: T.J. Collins reports that damaged electric wires from the recent storms will be fixed soon. All else looks good and on schedule.
- Kids Korner – Saturday 9/4 – no other report.
- Merchandise: Treas. Linda Winger reports new items will be delivered on Monday 8/30. Inventory will be done Thursday 9/2 by Sect. Barbara Collins and the Bacons. Sales will begin Thursday evening and continue through the festival.
- Vendors update: Jeanette Young. One vendor is here. Others coming within the next few days. Jeanette has not received replies from several she contacted. Someone suggested we offer Ryan’s mom a vendor spot for selling produce. All agreed.
- Sheriff scheduled – No confirmation. (They did all arrive on a schedule during the festival)
- Board officers and Chair persons please be ready to go on stage for introduction Saturday 9/4 at 2:15 P.M..
- Jim and Linda’s phones have been reported to 911 as an emergency contact.
- Al officers and chair persons report their off grounds schedules.
Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. T.J. Collins second. Pres. Jim Winger called the meeting adjourned at 3:30 P.M.
*** Next Board meeting, Thursday Sept. 2, 2010 at 1:00 P.M. at Winger’s camp site.
P.S. The weather was to cold and wet so meeting was held in the Merchants building.
NIBGA Secretary Barbara Collins
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Tri-State Labor Day festival, Kendallville, IN
They just announced from the stage that a lady in the audience will be 101 in November. She has a blanket and a comfortable chair taking in a great festival. The bands are the best. Blue Railroad Train wow'ed 'em as did all of the other bands.
Tomorrow the weather will be warmer and sunny all day.
Tomorrow the weather will be warmer and sunny all day.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Lowell, MI fair grounds WiFi
Dave Simmonds, WMBMA-President, reports that their festival on Sept. 17-19 will have Wi-Fi via Redfrog Technologies. This is a nice addition to a good festival.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Jim Mason contacted me in an effort to find an old friend who played banjo/bluegrass around this area years ago..probably now in his seventies if he is still living.. His friend's name is Harry Adam Cochran III but went by Adam Cochran.
If you know of him, please add a comment and we will forward it to Jim Mason & Patty Corbat
If you know of him, please add a comment and we will forward it to Jim Mason & Patty Corbat
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The New Pinecastle Records
Columbus, NC - August 11, 2010 -
In early February 2010, one of the leading bluegrass recording companies, Pinecastle Records, closed its doors due to an unfortunate series of events. Owner Col. Tom Riggs began to have serious health issues. The Riggs' family made the decision to close the label and focus on the Colonel's health. Artists were caught in limbo and their product was quickly going out of print. A prominent player in the bluegrass industry suddenly went silent.
When a physician, entrepreneur, lover of bluegrass music, and friend of the Riggs' family, Dr. Lonnie Lassiter, heard of Pinecastle closing, he immediately began taking the steps that would ultimately lead to him purchasing the label from the Riggs' family. As of August 1, 2010, Dr. Lassiter took ownership of the company. His first decision was to tap two of the company's former executives, both with around five years of experience with the previous company, to head up the new venture. Ethan Burkhardt was named the company's Vice President of Operations and Matt Hood its Vice President of Public Relations.
Contact information:
Mailing Address:
2881 NC 108 HWY E.
Columbus, NC 28722
Website: (coming soon)
Email: Ethan Burkhardt - Matt Hood -
In early February 2010, one of the leading bluegrass recording companies, Pinecastle Records, closed its doors due to an unfortunate series of events. Owner Col. Tom Riggs began to have serious health issues. The Riggs' family made the decision to close the label and focus on the Colonel's health. Artists were caught in limbo and their product was quickly going out of print. A prominent player in the bluegrass industry suddenly went silent.
When a physician, entrepreneur, lover of bluegrass music, and friend of the Riggs' family, Dr. Lonnie Lassiter, heard of Pinecastle closing, he immediately began taking the steps that would ultimately lead to him purchasing the label from the Riggs' family. As of August 1, 2010, Dr. Lassiter took ownership of the company. His first decision was to tap two of the company's former executives, both with around five years of experience with the previous company, to head up the new venture. Ethan Burkhardt was named the company's Vice President of Operations and Matt Hood its Vice President of Public Relations.
Contact information:
Mailing Address:
2881 NC 108 HWY E.
Columbus, NC 28722
Website: (coming soon)
Email: Ethan Burkhardt - Matt Hood -
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Booking scam
This scam has been around for a long time but it bears repeating.
Please Be aware of a Scam Targeting Atlanta Bluegrass bands They will contact you by email attempting to book you to a Legitimate Atlanta Venue or Banquet Hall for Specific Dates. Will make check out for a incorrect amount ,Wait tell you to deposit it and ask you to wire the Difference Back to Him. May ask for a W9 to get your social Secrurity or other personal information. So far they have Targeted 15 or more SEBA Atlanta Bluegrass and Jazz Bands
Please Be aware of a Scam Targeting Atlanta Bluegrass bands They will contact you by email attempting to book you to a Legitimate Atlanta Venue or Banquet Hall for Specific Dates. Will make check out for a incorrect amount ,Wait tell you to deposit it and ask you to wire the Difference Back to Him. May ask for a W9 to get your social Secrurity or other personal information. So far they have Targeted 15 or more SEBA Atlanta Bluegrass and Jazz Bands
Friday, August 13, 2010
Where is Bobby Davis?
![]() |
Bobby Davis |
Wheatfield Indiana native and NIBGA member Bobby Davis is the newest member of The James King Band. They are currently working on a new project for Rounder Records to be out in the spring of 2011.
In the past Bobby has toured with Audie Blaylock and Redline, Mike Cleveland and Flamekeeper and Valerie Smith and Liberty Pike. Since he started his touring career in 2004, his work has been featured on 4 albums and numerous demo projects as well as playing 42 states and 13 countries.
Bobby said, After leaving Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike, I came back to Indiana to visit and ended up getting a job and staying for the spring and part summer. I was working at Taltree Arboretum in Valparaiso, IN.
Continuing he said, As of the end of June, I became the newest member of the James King Band out of Virginia.
James King with Bobby will be at the Flatland Bluegrass barn on August 29. The show is almost sold out so advanced reservations are suggested.
Continuing he said, As of the end of June, I became the newest member of the James King Band out of Virginia.
James King with Bobby will be at the Flatland Bluegrass barn on August 29. The show is almost sold out so advanced reservations are suggested.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Counterfeit $50 circulating in Indiana
Excellent quality fake $50 bills are being passed in southern Indiana. They are made by bleaching a $5 bill then reprinting it as a $50. Be sure to check for the various security measures that the US Treasury incorporates into $50 bills.
Here is a picture of the security thread in newer bills. On the $50 the words USA 50 is repeated. Look for it when you get a $50.
Here is a picture of the security thread in newer bills. On the $50 the words USA 50 is repeated. Look for it when you get a $50.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Mitch Jayne, Dillards bass player dies
He passed away Monday, August 2, 2010 after a brief bout with cancer. The Bluegrass Blog has more details and a video of him introducing Dooley.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Labor Day Adopt a band hosts needed
I still have several bands that would LOVE to have a host family for the upcoming festival. The families that did it this spring all had glowing reports and said they had a blast. If you'd like to get in on the action and have one of these bands jamming under YOUR camper awning, let me know! Your only obligation is to provide a place for the band to relax between shows, however, every family this spring provided at least one meal or snacks.
Get together with your friends and ADOPT a band!
Please email me at cooperrider at
See you in a few weeks!
I still have several bands that would LOVE to have a host family for the upcoming festival. The families that did it this spring all had glowing reports and said they had a blast. If you'd like to get in on the action and have one of these bands jamming under YOUR camper awning, let me know! Your only obligation is to provide a place for the band to relax between shows, however, every family this spring provided at least one meal or snacks.
Get together with your friends and ADOPT a band!
Please email me at cooperrider at
See you in a few weeks!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Port-a-Jon & RV service schedule changed
There is a slight change to the schedule for the upcoming 2010 Labor Day festival. The Thursday RV service was only lightly used and not worth the time to have a truck dispatched. The Thursday RV service has been eliminated. Also notice that the new times are in the afternoon not in the mornings.
The new schedule is:
Sept 1, Wed pm RV only
Sept 2, Friday PM RV and Port-a-jons
Sept 3, Sat PM RV and Port-a-jons
Sept 4, Monday 7am RV only
The fee for servicing RVs remains at $10.
The new schedule is:
Sept 1, Wed pm RV only
Sept 2, Friday PM RV and Port-a-jons
Sept 3, Sat PM RV and Port-a-jons
Sept 4, Monday 7am RV only
The fee for servicing RVs remains at $10.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Jane Adams passes
Jane Adams, wife of Fran and mother of Sandy Tedford, died Sunday (July 11, 2010) morning after a battle with cancer. Sandy has been the craft workshop chairperson at our festivals as well as an active supporter of NIBGA.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Thoughts on NIBGA festival Workshops
For many years we at NIBGA have offered free instrument workshops at all our festivals. These workshops attempt to cover all the usual bluegrass instruments, guitar, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, bass and occasionally dobro, songwriting and harmony singing. These workshops are all conducted by volunteers, either members of performing bands or by NIBGA members.
The workshops are limited to ½ hour each on Saturday mornings for several reasons:
* Limited space available to conduct the workshops in that time frame.
* Volunteers are usually working on a tight schedule.
* Participants prefer to complete the workshops before the stage performances begin.
* Some participants are not at the festival on Friday.
* Some don’t want to conflict with Sunday morning church service.
These workshops, of necessity, are “one size fits all”, with the leader having to teach a generic course. This leads to half the participants being unhappy.
* We have had comments like “I didn’t learn anything because it was too basic” or “It was too hard and the instructor was over our heads”, and this was from two people in the same workshop! Also, it is difficult to teach or learn much in ½ hour.
It is becoming apparent that a better approach would be to have fewer workshops but targeted toward specific ability levels like “Beginner”, Intermediate” and “Advanced”. These would be one or two hours long and require a fee of $5 or $10. There would probably be two such workshops at each festival with the instruments and ability levels rotating. If more instructors and added facilities could be made available this could be expanded.
This probably would not be satisfactory to those folks who like to attend all the workshops but should be an improvement to those with specific needs.
This is a work in progress and not meant to be a final solution. Accordingly, your comments and suggestions are welcome.
Dave Vogie
Workshop Chair
The workshops are limited to ½ hour each on Saturday mornings for several reasons:
* Limited space available to conduct the workshops in that time frame.
* Volunteers are usually working on a tight schedule.
* Participants prefer to complete the workshops before the stage performances begin.
* Some participants are not at the festival on Friday.
* Some don’t want to conflict with Sunday morning church service.
These workshops, of necessity, are “one size fits all”, with the leader having to teach a generic course. This leads to half the participants being unhappy.
* We have had comments like “I didn’t learn anything because it was too basic” or “It was too hard and the instructor was over our heads”, and this was from two people in the same workshop! Also, it is difficult to teach or learn much in ½ hour.
It is becoming apparent that a better approach would be to have fewer workshops but targeted toward specific ability levels like “Beginner”, Intermediate” and “Advanced”. These would be one or two hours long and require a fee of $5 or $10. There would probably be two such workshops at each festival with the instruments and ability levels rotating. If more instructors and added facilities could be made available this could be expanded.
This probably would not be satisfactory to those folks who like to attend all the workshops but should be an improvement to those with specific needs.
This is a work in progress and not meant to be a final solution. Accordingly, your comments and suggestions are welcome.
Dave Vogie
Workshop Chair
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
NIBGA Board meeting Thursday May 27, 2010, 1p
Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association Board meeting at Winger's Camp Site at fairgrounds
Present: Board Directors:
President Jim Winger T.J. Collins
V. President Joe Steiner Joe Wyandt
Secretary Barbara Collins Pam Keiper
Treasurer Linda Winger Paul Saurborn
Gate caps; Jan Meed, Leslie Ellis, Patty Page. Taxi chair- Chris Cooperrider. Vendor Chair: Jeanette Young. Others.
NIBGA Secretary: Barbara Collins
Present: Board Directors:
President Jim Winger T.J. Collins
V. President Joe Steiner Joe Wyandt
Secretary Barbara Collins Pam Keiper
Treasurer Linda Winger Paul Saurborn
Gate caps; Jan Meed, Leslie Ellis, Patty Page. Taxi chair- Chris Cooperrider. Vendor Chair: Jeanette Young. Others.
- Gate schedule: Filled but can use more.
- Vendors: Going good. Several have arrived.
- Taxi schedule: nearly filled.
- Crafts W/Sandy Tedford: 11:00a.m. /12:30p.m.
- White Elephant Bingo W/Sandy Tedford: 3:30 p.m.
- By Wednesday we are a little behind Fall 09 attendance but ahead of Spring 09.
- Jim Winger reviewed the Sheriff's schedule.
- One Showcase band at 6:30 p.m. for Thursday. (There were many good comments about that band during and after that show).
NIBGA Secretary: Barbara Collins
NIBGA Board meeting May 23, 2010
Meeting of the Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association was held at the Noble County Fair grounds. Fair Street, Kendallville, Indiana beginning at 2:00 P.M.
After the Officers, Gate Captains, and other chair persons shared a Carry-In lunch the meeting was called to order by President Jim Winger.
Present were: Board Directors:
President - Jim Winger T.J. Collins
V. President – Joe Steiner Joe Wyandt
Secretary – Barbara Collins Pam Keiper
Treasurer – Linda Winger Paul Saurborn
Past Vice President: Sandy Carnes (& husband)
Associate Gate Captains: Leslie Ellis, Jan Mead (& husband), Patty Page (& husband).
Taxi Chairman: Chris Cooperrider. Vendor Chairman: Jeanette Young. Kids Korner Chairman: Julie Goldsmith. Also, other members were in attendance.
April Secretary report was E-mailed to all officers in late April by Secretary Barbara Collins. No additions or corrections. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. Jan Meed second. All approve. Motion carried.
April Treasurers report: No report sent. No report available until Thursday 5/27. No action required at this time.
Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. Linda Winger second, President Jim Winger called the meeting adjourned.
Time -- 3:33 P.M., NIBGA Secretary – Barbara Collins
After the Officers, Gate Captains, and other chair persons shared a Carry-In lunch the meeting was called to order by President Jim Winger.
Present were: Board Directors:
President - Jim Winger T.J. Collins
V. President – Joe Steiner Joe Wyandt
Secretary – Barbara Collins Pam Keiper
Treasurer – Linda Winger Paul Saurborn
Past Vice President: Sandy Carnes (& husband)
Associate Gate Captains: Leslie Ellis, Jan Mead (& husband), Patty Page (& husband).
Taxi Chairman: Chris Cooperrider. Vendor Chairman: Jeanette Young. Kids Korner Chairman: Julie Goldsmith. Also, other members were in attendance.
April Secretary report was E-mailed to all officers in late April by Secretary Barbara Collins. No additions or corrections. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. Jan Meed second. All approve. Motion carried.
April Treasurers report: No report sent. No report available until Thursday 5/27. No action required at this time.
- Billboard advertising postponed until fall 2010
- There is a new 80 gallon hot water heater in the women's RR at the Log cabin in addition to the 40 gallon mens.
- T.J. Collins: Port-a-jons. Review use and requirements for 2010 with Terry from Taylor Rental.
- Jim Winger: No change in the 501c3 investigation.
- Joe Steiner: Dan Hayes has NIBGA on the list for showcase sponsors for World of Bluegrass Convention in Nashville, Tennessee – fall 2010. There will possibly be no Awards Luncheon showcase this year.
- Possibly we will have a 5 year contract with Noble Co. Fair Board instead of the original suggested 3 year. This would cover 2011-2013. New contract available, not reviewed.
- Table until Fall: Extended workshops. Chris Cooperrider.
- Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association taxes have been filed. Leslie Ellis reports and she will investigate Indiana tax filing.
- Chris C. – Band Host Chair: Reports she needs 3 Band Host yet at this time. ( A couple more were pared up later after this meeting.)
- West Bound Rangers will perform at the Avilla Nursing Home @ 2:00 . Paul will take them. (Chris C., Joe S., Tonia B. went along also.)
- Mosquito spraying will be done at the Noble Co. Fair Grounds on Wed. p.m. or Thurs. a.m.. Paid for by Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association and sprayed by the fair board. (The spraying was done at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday 5/26/10.)
- Notify band that there will be two tickets per member at the gate. They need to sign for their tickets. Joe Steiner- band chairman.
- Joe Steiner motioned to tell the Fair Board that we are not interested in donating to the Electronic sign board at this time. Paul Saurborn second. All agreed. Motion carried.
- The 50 amp cable that the electrican installed in the past won't be needed. NIBGA will store it and install in the future. Joe Wyandt.
- Vendors update: Jeanette Young: Several are coming. Jeanette gave a list of those agreeing to come. Others are expected to show up.
- Campers are allowed to set up a Garage Sale at their camping spot until noon Friday 5/28. No vendors fee charge. No garage sales after that time and date.
- Chris Cooperrider needs 3 club radios for the taxi drivers.
- 5 gate captains will share 3 golf carts. Leslie E., Al E., Patty P., Jan M., & Dave S..
- Security – one golf cart
- Cleaning/Cheri – one utility cart
- One 4 seat taxi
- One 6 seat taxi
- Remaining are for officers and taxi use.
- Security will be on the grounds: Thursday 4:PM - 11:PM, Friday 6:PM - 12:PM, Saturday 11:AM – 12:PM
- Vern Tyree will be heading the Guitar workshop Sat. 5/29. All workshops are scheduled.
- If there are any Fair grounds problems, the contact person is Jim Winger who will contact Don Moore.
- Linda Winger shared letters to the club. There was a letter with a donation of $60.00 from Carl & Marilyn Bryant in memory of 'Roger Schultz'. This is earmarked for the Kids Korner.
- The O'Bryan's from Kentucky sent a extra $10 with their membership for a donation also earmarked for the Kids craft Korner. This kindness is so much appreciated to help the club with it's craft activities for the kids.
- A little boy from Wilmington, Ohio wrote a very nice letter about his interest in Bluegrass music. Linda read the letter to those at the meeting. She sent him a package filled with Bluegrass information such as 'The History of Bluegrass', Fliers, a CD, and a DVD. and a note thanking him for his interest in Bluegrass.
- Linda W. reports: The 2010 new merchandise came with the new design on the front but no LOGO on the back. It had to be sent back to be added on. Hoodies are alright. The merchandise will be delivered to the fairgrounds on Monday 5/24. After that, inventory will be done to prepare for the festival sales.
- There was one out-of-state bad check from the last festival. It will be posted at the gate.
- The newsletter mailing schedule was reviewed; May – Sandy Carnes, June – Barbara Collins, July – Ellis family, August – Paul Saurborn, September – Joe Wyandt
- A new security system has been installed in the Log Cabin & Merchants Building. New keys will be marked. The merchants building can not be occupied without alarms or fire spotters.
- The EMS building will be moved in July to the handicap area close to the entrance.
- Julie G. reports: Suzuki to be on stage at 1:40 p.m. Saturday. All have letters and are to receive a ticket when they arrive at the gate. They will be with a parent. Put a sticker on their vehicle. They will need tables to set their instruments on before the performance.
- Board & Chairpersons: Line up behind the stage at 1:25. Go on stage for introduction at 1:30, Saturday 5/29.
- The back half of the track is very soft. Do not let anyone park on the track. T.J.Collins and Joe Wyandt will barricade to prevent campers getting stuck. (Done) It is O.K. to use the West side for parking.
- Linda's phone is registered with 911 for emergency contact. Hopefully it will shorten the response time if needed.
- Craft class will be Friday at 11:00 a.m. / 1:30 p.m. with Sandy Tedford in the Log Cabin.
- White Elephant Bingo is Friday at 3:30 p.m. in the Log Cabin with Sandy Tedford.
- There have been complaints of dogs bothering people. Jim will look into it.
- Insurance Issue: Our Insurance will be canceled if we have an incident with others using golf carts.
- Discussion on Handicap transportation. What kinds of motorized bikes, carts so forth to allow?
- Linda leaving early Tuesday. Back in afternoon.
- Joe Steiner leaving Sunday. Back early Wednesday.
- Chris Cooperrider back by Wednesday.
- Julie Goldsmith back here Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
- Pam Keiper back Wednesday night.
- Jeanette Young back late Monday or early Tuesday.
- Leslie Ellis not here Wednesday. Taking Nikki to school each morning.
- Al Ellis here evenings. Working days.
- Barb Collins gone Tues. 12p.m. – 10p.m.; Wed. same. Sunday p.m. 2:30/6:30.
- Joe Wyandt & T.J. Collins here the full time.
- Patty Page leaving today, back Friday p.m.
- George Page, Paul Saurborn, Jan Mead, Jim Winger here the rest of the time. (Some will need to go out for just short times during the week)
Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. Linda Winger second, President Jim Winger called the meeting adjourned.
Time -- 3:33 P.M., NIBGA Secretary – Barbara Collins
Friday, June 11, 2010
Gerald Evans - 50

Gerald performed at Tri-State as well as other upper Midwest festivals as Gerald Evans & Paradise. We first met him at a West Michigan Bluegrass Festival when it was still at Eli's campground.
He was from Cincinnati, Ohio. He played fiddle and mandolin with the Traditional Grass, Dave Evans and Riverbend, and the Goins Brothers. In 2001, he released first album with his band Paradise.
Memorial weekend at Tri-State
What a great weekend again this year! Pound for pound, the best entertainment and camping value in America!!! And it happens twice a year!!! The May festival was our 14th in a row! We can't thank Jim and Linda, the board and staff, and all of the volunteers enough!
In the for what it's worth category, on our way to this year's festival, late Thursday afternoon, we had brake problems. Luckily we took our camper down the previous Saturday! Not knowing any auto repair businesses in Kendallville I decided to ask Terry Thacker. He said to go to Deitrich's Auto and Truck Service, west of town on US 6, and ask for Larry Deitrich and that if anyone could help us he could. So I was there at 8:00 a.m. when they opened and talked to Larry.
He said I'd need to leave the Land Rover and that he would drive me back to the festival and call me when it was done. So at 3:00 p.m. he called and said it was ready and he'd be by to pick me up. I told him I was working on the gate until 4:00 and could he please come then, which he did. Terry was right! He's a great guy and the second generation owner of the family business, with his sister. The cost of the repair was very reasonable, especially since we were at his mercy!
If anyone ever needs any type mechanical service Deitrich's are the ones to call! Their telephone number is 260-347-5067 They're also on the web at
Thanks again to Jim and Linda and everyone involved for a GREAT festival!!! We'll see you this fall, the good Lord willing!
Miles & Barbara Miller
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Verland (Zeke) K. Miller
Verland K. Miller, 90, of Constantine, died Friday, June 4, 2010, at his home following an extended illness. Zeke attended most of the NIBGA festivals starting in the 80's. He most recently would be found up Michigan hill with his banjo jamming with his brother, Zeb, and the Down Yonders.
Complete info at Sturgis, MI Journal.
Complete info at Sturgis, MI Journal.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Leslie Bluegrass Festival June 10-12
Somehow we didn't mention all of the dates for this festival or the correct contact info in the last newsletter. Here is the correct info.
06/10-12 Summertown Road, CoalTown, Hen House Prowlers, Shine Creek, Sandi Paul, James Creek, Harbourtown, Pushi’ the Limits, Heart to Heart, New County Grass, Leslie, MI BGF, Wheel Inn Campgrounds, 240 Fogg Road, info & vendors 269-781-5909; wknd adv. $25, gate $30, camping $10/day campgrounds 517-589-8097
06/10-12 Summertown Road, CoalTown, Hen House Prowlers, Shine Creek, Sandi Paul, James Creek, Harbourtown, Pushi’ the Limits, Heart to Heart, New County Grass, Leslie, MI BGF, Wheel Inn Campgrounds, 240 Fogg Road, info & vendors 269-781-5909; wknd adv. $25, gate $30, camping $10/day campgrounds 517-589-8097
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Parking changes at Memorial Festival 2010
Frank Morton, NCCFC president, told us yesterday that parking will be allowed on the track as in the past since wet weather has prevented construction on the horse track improvements. Most likely this fall, track parking will be prohibited.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Kendallville Tri-state is just around the corner
It has been raining the last couple of days but it is supposed to ease up by Weds. This coming weekend looks like a great time to pull your camper to Kendallville fairgrounds and get a good camping spot.
NIBGA contract dates start May 20. Camping on that date until the festival is just $10 per day plus a one time charge of $5 for electric.
The big festival starts on Thursday, May 27 and runs until May 30. It looks to be one of the best with outstanding talent hired by Joe Steiner our VP. The Memorial 2008 was nominated by IBMA as one of the best festivals in the world!
Hope to see you there.
Festival Flyer
NIBGA contract dates start May 20. Camping on that date until the festival is just $10 per day plus a one time charge of $5 for electric.
The big festival starts on Thursday, May 27 and runs until May 30. It looks to be one of the best with outstanding talent hired by Joe Steiner our VP. The Memorial 2008 was nominated by IBMA as one of the best festivals in the world!
Hope to see you there.
Festival Flyer
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