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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jan. 18 NIBGA Board Meeting – Conservation Club – Ft. Wayne, IN.

Call to order: Time: 1:00 P.M.

Officers present:
President – Jim Winger
V. President – Sandra Carnes Joe Wyandt
Secretary – Barbara Collins
Treasurer – Linda Winger

T.J. Collins
Joe Wyandt
Paul Saurborn
Pam Keiper – Via phone (In Texas)

Gate Captains: Leslie & Al Ellis
Band Coordinators: Joe Steiner, Chris Cooperrider

Secretary’s report: Minutes of November meeting were sent by E-Mail 12-9-08
Joe Wyandt motioned to accept. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Carried

Treasurer’s report:
November 2008 Financial Report
December 2008 Financial Report
2008 Year End Balance $xxxx

Jim recommends moving a mature CD to Money Market. Linda moved money from checking to the NIBGA Savings. Interest rates are better in savings.
1) Current CD that is maturing will be put into Money Market.
2) Next CD to mature soon, will be rolled over into a new CD.
Paul Saurborn motioned to proceed with items 1. and 2. Sandy Carnes second. All say yes. Motion carried.


TENT RENTALS: $1,321.10 each for S09 and F09. Total - $2,642.20 for Festivals 2009. If the rent is paid in January, there is a 10% savings.
Paul Saurborn motioned to take the early tent rental deal. Joe Wyandt second. All say yes. Motion carried.

FAIRGROUND RENT: Inceases $1,000 over last year for the next two years. Jim Winger asked Don Moore if NCCFC would consider rent remain at 2008 level. Don said he would make a request.

BAND UPDATE: Joe Steiner passed out current line up. Joe would like to have a little more high profile bands but considering the budget. It looks good.

Radio show: Don Moore doubts that he can sell advertising for a Bluegrass radio program on a weekly basis.

T-SHIRT Design: Not completed. Basic design will be a TRAIN. Sandy Carnes suggest smoke from the train chimney show ’20 Years @ Kendallville. (Will that confuse the club with the 32/33 years we have been a club? B.C.)

Request for 3 – 50 amp outlets at fairgrounds. No action yet. Slim possibility NIBGA can get a Grant to help.

Leslie Ellis who is an accountant will take care of the club taxes.

Someone told Jim W. the overhead connections at the fairgrounds have been cleaned. Questionable.

TABLE: Chris Cooperrider – Old Time Dance Class. Chris will try to set up something with a Grant through the community.

Set Day and Time to ‘WASH AND WAX’ the stage trailer . Spring 09, put note in newsletter.

Get a detailed sound equipment sheet from Steve K, sound man, to send to bands - Joe S.

VENDORS : V. Pres. Sandy Carnes.
Merchandise vendors pay $150.00; Special Foods pay $175.00; Lions & etc. pay $200.00.

PORT-A-JONS: (and Golf Carts) Linda will check P-a-Jon prices and report. Handicap $115.00, Regular $75.00. Discussion – Advice from Joe W. and T.J. C. – Probably can make do with one Handicap Port-a-Jon and 5 regular ones.

TABLE; February – Decide how many golf carts.

At the festivals: Keep an eye on street lights. Keep as many turned off as possible. Keep ones at the grandstand locked up. Post cell phone number for request to unlock. Jim will ask for it to be locked. OR we can pull breakers.


R.V. magazine advertising: Jim contacted. Many RV businesses have gone under. It is questionable that we will have a vehicle to advertise thru them. Fliers are sent to many music stores.

TABLE: February- Everyone consider new economical ways to advertise.

TEK Interactive, our WEB provider, filed for Chapter 11 in 4Q 08. Owner was contacted and assured Jim W. that it was not a concern and business would be as usual.

Chris C. will do a write up for a NIBGA Blog.

Sandy asked. “Should we put NIBGA WEB address on the 2009 Shirts? For consideration.

Sandy will draw up a draft and send to all. Flee Market for campers only.

“If you have something to sell, you may display it outside your camper. Deadline Noon on Friday.” (Let’s don’t let it become a junk yard! B.C. )

Man offered to do Skate Board demonstration for free. Discussion. All agree NO due to liability and other problems it could create.

Motion to adjourn: Joe Wyandt. T.J. C. second.

Meeting adjourned 2:50 P.M.

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