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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

1099s Mailed

I always kind of dread January not because of the cold and snow but because I have to create 1099s and mail them to the bands. It is a tedious task.

First there is the trip to the store to get the forms. I bought a package of 24. When I started filling out the info, I discovered there were 27 groups that needed 1099s. I tried to call the IRS locally to see if they had 1099s but they don't answer the phones, you have to leave a message. Today they called back and said they don't stock that form. Back to the store for more forms. The smallest package was 25 forms.

The bands fill out W9s and give them to us before they are paid. Linda looks them over but it seems the pressure of the moment allows errors on the W9s to slip through.

Sometimes all that is necessary is to look at a prior 1099 and get the correct info but other times a call to the band is required. Detailed paperwork is not my strength.

Today, all 27 1099s were mailed! What a relief.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! That reminds me that I need to start collecting stuff to do my taxes, doesn't it? I always dread this time of year.

Do you ever get people that want you to pay EACH BAND member separately so they don't get over $600 and need a W9?

Jim said...

Yes we have had that problem. What a pain.

I believe it shows that the band is not professional.

In many cases the 1099 can be covered by various deductions for travel, instrument depreciation, practice session costs, paying other band members, meals, etc.

Playing music is not a high profit endeavor.

Jim said...

Got another 1099 back that the post office said no such person. Interesting since they have been receiving mail their for a year.

I put the 1099 in an envelope and resent it to the same address.