The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Joe Steiner at 12:45 p.m.
Officers present are: Board Directors:
Vice - President Joe Steiner TJ Collins
Secretary - Barbara Collins Paul Saurborn
Pam Keiper - Via phone conference call.
President Jim Winger and Treasurer Linda Winger were absent due to a family funeral. They stopped in but were not able to stay for the business meeting.
Others present are: Past Vice Pres. Sandra Carnes: Chris Steiner-Workshop & Taxi Chair: Brenda & Greg Aldrich-Co gate captains: Jim Miller-Co gate captain.
- Secretary's report-Barbara Collins emailed the January 18th meeting minutes to all on Jan 20th. President Jim Winger posted them on the NIBGA Blog. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. Pam Keiper seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
- Treasurer's report- Financials for January 2015 were emailed Feburary 6, 2015 by Linda Winger to all officers. Totals are as of 1/13/15/. Pam Keiper motioned to accept. Paul Saurborn seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
- Grants::: Chris Steiner reports that George Miller is actively working on Grants for Northern Indiana Bluegrass Assoc.
- Cox Media Promotion Company has submitted a proposal for advertising. There are many different options for WEB site adds. The deals and prices were reviewed and discussed by the Board. After lengthy discussion it was decided that we do not choose to use advertising by Cox. It is expensive and high risk for any results for the club. Vice President-Joe Steiner recommended staying with E-Bay. All agreed.
- Chris Steiner has put together a ticket DEAL and posted on E-Bay a week long Family packet for a $110. Chris posted pictures of the NIBGA festival and information. There have been 303 who have seen this offer on line. Five people are watching the results. This will be posted for 30 days. Chris is also considering a second packet for a week end for $70.00. All agree it is a good packet deal.
- Jim Miller suggested we do more advertising in Illinois. Joe Steiner purposed $1,000 per festival. Greg Aldrich says, "Send information to Illinois Newsletters and Associations to advertise". The board re-addressed Illinois advertising and adjusted the amount to spend. Paul Saurborn motioned to spend $500 per festival on Illinois advertising. TJ Collins seconded. all say yes. Motion carried.
- Joe Steiner will continue with Google and Facebook postings.
- Band Hiring update-Joe Steiner: Beginning to hire bands. Working continually on remaining line up.
- Band Scramble 2015 - Secretary Barbara Collins contacted Tonia Bacon to confirm her being chairman for festivals this year. Tonia confirmed she will chair the Band Scrambles.
- Green Room Host: Richard and Carolyn Bacon have confirmed to Secretary Barbara Collins that they will do the 'Band Hospitality Room' for the 2015 festivals.
- The revised band schedule for Spring 2015 Festival was e-mailed to all officers by V.P. Joe Steiner. It was reviewed at the meeting, discussed and decided to eliminate the first show on Saturday and start a little later than the original time of 10:30 a.m.. It was suggested we start the show on Sat at 11:15 or 11:30. Pam Keiper motioned to eliminate the first show on the schedule and adjust the time. Paul Saurborn seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
- In reply to a request for suggestions on "How to attract new campers", a letter was sent in. Suggestions to improve bathrooms was one. A reply was returned explaining that the Noble Co. Fairgrounds 'Is Not a campground'. It is maintained by the Noble Co. Fair board & volunteers. Even though NIBGA has rented and used the fairgrounds twice a year since 1990, we are not responsible for basic maintenance. Our association has donated money for improvements and have made request for many improvements. Some have happened, some have not. Also there are several other large events that take place on the grounds yearly and those cause wear and tear to the grounds. Tim Addis of NCCFB said, "We will spruce up the rest rooms".
- There was a long discussion among the board about vendors for the festivals. Vendor Chair Jeanette Young was not present. Vendor subject will be discussed more at the next meeting. Past VP Sandra Carnes offered to help Jeanette if necessary.
- Water Fountain at the Merchants Building at the fairgrounds. People asking wy it is not in working order. We don't know. It has been addressed with the fair board. They said they will 'look into it'.
- The board will continue to request improvements to the restrooms and showers & etc.
- Discussion on special ticket prices for visitors. It would be difficult and time consuming to police and sort out the 'full price attendees and the visitors'. It would not be fair to charge some full price to sit in the concert area and others less because they want to visit a friend or family. It was decided no reduced price visitors passes will be made available.
- Dennis Narker of the Kendallville News Sun sent a letter to NIBGA with suggestions on increasing local attendance to the festivals. Dennis touched on several different possibilities. Some we already do, others are possibilities to consider.
- TABLE::: Discussion on possibilities of setting up for pre-buy festival passes.
- TABLE::: Possibility of starting use of credit/debit card machine at the Merchandise-Membership table during the festivals. Possibly extend to gate if it works out well.
- Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. Barbara Collins seconded Vice President-Joe Steiner called the meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Next meeting will be March 15, 2015 - Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Secretary - Barbara Collins
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