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Monday, February 09, 2015

Jan. 18 NIBGA board meeting

January 18, 2015
Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association Orientation Meeting at South West Conservation Club, Bluffton Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Winger at 12:40 P.M.
 Roll Call: Officers present are:                
   President-Jim Winger                                   Board Directors:
   Vice President-Joe Steiner                                T J Collins                          
   Secretary-Barbara Collins                                 Pam Keiper - Via phone conference call.
   Treasurer-Linda Winger                                    Paul Saurborn
Others present: Chris Steiner-Workshop Chair, Taxi Chair, Grants;  Sandra Carnes-Past Vice President; Jim Miller-Co Gate Captain; Greg & Brenda Aldrich-Co Gate Captains; Jeanette Young-Vendor Chair.

  • Secretary-Barbara Collins: Minutes of the November 16, 2014 meeting was emailed on November 21st 2014 to all officers. Pres. Jim Winger posted them on NIBGA Blog. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. T J Collins seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer-Linda Winger: Financial reports for November 2014 and December 2014 were emailed to all officers on January 13, 2015. Totals are as of 11/30/14 plus 12/13/14. Linda reviewed with the board. Pam Keiper motioned to accept. Paul Saurborn seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
  • President Jim Winger also reviewed the Fall 2014 Festival Tally Finals as of 01/15/2015. (No motion required)
  • The Noble County Executive board has been contacted by Pres. Jim Winger requesting a new 5 year contract. It is time to start talking about NCCFC fairgrounds for our rental contract renewal for the next 5 years. 
  • Ryan Robinson says: The Log Cabin has been rented for events on the Saturdays prior to our Spring and Fall festivals. Jim requested that the whole grounds not be roped off for those events parking so that it will not interfere with our Bluegrass campers needing to park. 
  • Six (6) contracts have been signed for the rental of South West Conservation Club for NIBGA meetings for the year of 2015. 
  • Chris Steiner reports that George Miller is aggressively working on Grants for NIBGA. Nothing further to report at this time. 
  • Scholarships: Barbara Collins reports that Katelynn Lowe and The King Family (Elija (13), Lucas (11), and NIa (5) have been notified of their acceptance for scholarships. A very polite "Thank You" has been received from the King Family. No response from Katelynn yet. 
  • It has been announced that the Osceola and Terry Lease festivals (several events) have folded. there was discussion on what causes these events to decide to close. 
  • 2015 Advertising Strategies: Jim Winger has contacted three city Medias; Dayton, Ohio; Grand Rapids, Michigan & South Bend, Indiana. The board reviewed Ad rates. Was determined to be expensive. No final decision on print ads. There were suggestions of 'Some kind of contest' and possibly gift s given away. Advertising possibilities will continue being discussed later. 
  • Pres. Jim Winger reports he was able to repair the NIBGA club printer for a minimal price. Will not be replacing the printer with a new expensive one. (Good going Jim !) 
  • Chris Steiner reported on 2015 Festival Workshops for Spring. Chris is working on possibility of 10 workshops for S15. Maybe will be able to have 2 levels for Guitar, 2 levels for Fiddle, 2 levels for Mountain Dulcimer, 1 Claw Hammer Banjo, 1 Bluegrass Banjo, 1 Upright Bass, 1 Mandolin.
  • The board discussed at length the Band Schedule for 2015. How many bands for each day, and start and end times for scheduling. Preliminary plans would be to have 4 bands on Thursday (each playing once), 4 bands on Friday (each playing once), 10 shows total on Saturday (each band playing twice) , 10 shows on Sunday (each band playing twice). In the schedule would be the Board Introduction on Saturday, Supper breaks Saturday and Sunday, Sing along before scheduled show on Sunday A.M., Devotional with Pastor, Band Scramble on Saturday before Supper Break. 
  • Pres. Jim Winger and Vice Pres. Joe Steiner will work on the times and set the schedule. They will report to the officers at the February meeting.  Update * 1/21/15 - - Jim has worked on a schedule. If approved by all it will be the schedule. Looking Good! 
  • Band status: Fliers needed by mid Jan for SPGMA and Snow Birds. 
  • TABLED: Band Scramble for 2015
  • TABLED: Suggestion - Contact Suzuki about our week end events plus camping possibilities. 
  • The next meeting of Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association will be February 15, 2015
  • Linda Winger motioned to adjourn. Paul Saurborn seconded. 
  • Meeting adjourned: 2:05 P.M. 

NIBGA Secretary - Barbara Collins

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