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Thursday, December 04, 2014

NIBGA Board meeting Nov. 16, 2014

November 16, 2014  Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association Board Meeting.
at South West Conservation Club Bluffton Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana

The meeting was called to order by President - Jim Winger at 1:05 P.M.
Roll Call: Officers present are:                            Board Directors:
  President - Jim Winger                                           TJ Collins
  Vice President - Joe Steiner                                    Paul Saurborn
  Secretary - Barbara Collins
  Treasurer - Linda Winger
Board director Pam Keiper & husband were not present. They were on their way to Texas for the winter. We were unable to reach them by cell phone.
Others present: Chris Steiner-Workshops, Taxi, etc.; Sandra Carnes-Past V. Pres.: Jim Miller-Co gate captain. Greg & Brenda Aldrich- Co gate captains.

  • Minutes: Secretary-Barbara Collins. The October minutes were emailed to all officers on October 24, 2014.  Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. TJ Collins seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer: Linda Winger emailed financial reports to all officers on November 11, 2014. Financials were reviewed.  Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. Barbara Collins seconded. All say yes. Motion carried. 
Old Business
  • Labor Day update: Linda Winger - Festival update - No change in report.
  • Scholarship: Katelynn Lowe's request was approved for $500 1st time Scholarship. Katelynn is a High School Senior. She plays Bass and is interested in learning other instruments. Information was shared with the board by Barbara Collins-Sectretary. Joe Steiner motioned to present Katelynn with a Scholarship. Paul Saurborn seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
  • Scholarships: Request from Doug and Amy King for their 3 children. Elija (13) plays Banjo; Lucas (11) plays Mandolin and Guitar; Nia (5) plays a 1/4 size Fiddle and is taking piano lessons. The King children have been approved for a 1st time 'Family scholarship' of $500. Paul Saurborn motioned to present the King Family a Scholarship. Joe Steiner seconded. all say yes. Motion carried.  (P.S. I have sent messages to each informing them they have been accepted. I will send them an Scholarship award Certificate as in the past. 11/21/14) 
  • TABLE:  Advertising Strategies: Results of 2014. What can we measure? What for 2015? Radio? Newspapers? Social Media? R.V. Industry? Outlets? Flyers? 
  • Suzuki Fiddlers for 2015: Discussion and decision made. Joe Steiner motioned we give a Grant to the Sazuki Fiddlers for 2015 and have them return to the Festival to perform.  Paul Saurborn seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
  • Grant projects for 2015: Jim Miller's son George Miller will do work on Grants for NIBGA as a Volunteer. 
  • NIBGA Festival Workshops for 2015: Much discussion. All day workshops with Professionals, using 2014 Marathon Oil Grants of $1,000. Possible. Joe Steiner motioned to have the Workshops on Saturday of the festival. TJ Collins seconded. All say yes. Motion carried. There will be more talk later on details. Chris Steiner will work on details and report to the board. Joe Steiner asked for a budget. Grants from Marathon Oil for 2013 & 2014 plus others are earmarked for Education. Joe motioned to use these grants for Educational workshops. Paul Saurborn seconded. All say yes. Motion carried. 
      • Band Status: Joe Steiner reviewed the list of Band possibilities and scheduling for 2015. No bands hired for sure yet. Show scheduling times were discussed. Flyers are needed by Mid-January for SPGMA and Snow Birds.  Chris Steiner suggested a 'Gospel Sing' with the audience to begin the Sunday morning show. There was discussion. All officers like the idea. So there will be a Gospel Sing with one of the bands leading, to open the Spring 2015 show on Sunday. 
      • TABLE: Band Schedule.
      • Audience Tent: Do we need a bigger tent for the back of the pavilion in the Spring 2015? It was discussed and decided the size we have been using is adequate. ACE TENT Rental: has offered a discount on the two tents used at the festivals if the fee is paid by December 1, 2014.  Paul Saurborn motioned for it to be paid. TJ Collins seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.  Treasurer-Linda Winger will pay the rental fee to secure the discount. 
      • Renewal of Evernote for $45 fee. It allows posting fliers on the WEB. there were 1,390 hits last year. Joe Steiner motioned to renew. Paul Saurborn seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
      • Internet Renewal for $135. 33,399 hits last year. Paul Saurborn motioned to renew. Joe Steiner seconded. All say yes. Motion carried. 
      • Printer: Jim Winger-President expressed the need for a new printer for the NIBGA Club printing. The old one is over 11  yrs. old., worn out and not working well. Jim will research prices. TJ Collins motioned to approve the purchase of a new printer. Barbara Collins seconded. All say yes. Motion carried. 
      • Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. TJ Collins seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2:35 P.M. 
                NIBGA Secretary - Barbara Collins

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