NIBGA has committed advertising in the IPFW Communicator (Fort Wayne, IN) on April 22 & 29 with 5.5 x 8.5 1/2 page inserts. Total cost around $571. This ad shows, weekend ticket $23 with ad.
NIBGA committed to Trine University (Angola, IN) $300. Here is what they will do:
we are holding a special that would allow you to run a full page ad on the back page of The Triangle as well as an online ad and a few mentions on the schools radio station WEAX for $300. We circulate 2,500 copies every two weeks, so you would have 5,000 copies of your ad out by the time it runs twice. The size is about 12 x 12. Along with your 5,000 copies you'd have the online ad that can be viewed multiple times and the mentions on the radio station would run throughout those 2 weeks.
This ad says free electric with ad.
By doing two different discounts, NIBGA can judge the ads effectiveness.
Information related to NIBGA that probably is not on our web site at During the Memorial & Labor Day weekend festival at the Noble County 4H Fairgrounds in Kendallville, IN check Facebook for updates
Pageviews last month
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
NIBGA Board minutes, March 15, 2009
S.W. Conservation Club, Ft. Wayne, IN 1:15 P.M.
Officers Present:
Pres. Jim Winger V.
Pres. Sandra Carnes
Secretary Barbara Collins
Treasurer Linda Winger
Directors of the board:
T.J. Collins
Paul Saurborn
Officers absent:
Joe Wyandt was with his wife Rachel who had thyroid surgery. Pam Keiper was in contact via conference call from Texas. Joe Steiner & Chris Cooperrider were at a Seminar.
Secretary’s report by Barbara Collins:
There was one correction. Instead of 1 handicap Port-a-Jon and 6 regular ones ~ there will be 1 handicap & 5 regular. Handicap placed at the gate area as before. Two about 40 yards north of gate, one by fence near Down Yonders, one near “tent city” east of Horse & Pony area, one in infield parking as before.
Sandy Carnes made a motion to accept the correction and the rest of the Feb. minutes. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Motion carried.
Treasurers report by Linda Winger:
February Financial Report was read and reviewed. The two CDs at National City had been closed out and the money moved to Three Rivers FCU checking to obtain a better short term interest rate.
Sandy Carnes motioned to accept the report. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Carried.
Golf carts rented from Elliott Cars & Carts, Warsaw, IN, deposit made, PGC notified of change. 10 Standard, 2-passenger-one seat. One Utility golf cart. 7 will be delivered on Friday 5/15/09. The rest on Monday 5/18/09.
Jim Egoff says: Backstage Promotions will be publishing our festival in the next issue.
Attendance at SPGMA was down slightly.
Fairgrounds contract expires 12/31/2010.
Louisville show, 3/22 very much in question.
Final list of bands hired. For S09 and F09 reviewed
T-Shirt design finished. Train on the front and back –designed by Linda Winger.
2008 Tax Filings: Leslie Ellis will respond. Pending.
Old Time Dance – Chris Cooperrider Chairman – Pending
Wash & Wax stage – request for help in April newsletter.
Festival sponsors – requested info from NIBA who get funds from the IL arts. No response to two request. West MI BFMA is refiling from 501-C4 (Social organization) to a 501-C3 (contributions are tax deductable) at an estimated cost of $2,000.00 so they can get grants. NIBGA is 501-C4.
Vendor Status report by Sandy Carnes: Pretty much all the food vendors from before are coming back. Have not heard from the ‘Hot Dog Man’. Inquires from others to attend are for – Fire Wood, Bed Sheets, etc.. The Moose and Lions Club will be opening their food booths.
RV advertising – no response, dropping them as a possibility
Hotel reservations for IBMA – Three rooms reserved & can be canceled by Aug. 30.
Sandy Tedford proposes White Elephant bingo. It was voted on in the Feb. meeting that she would be allowed to direct a bingo 1 or 2 nights prior to the festival days. Festival attendees can bring items to donate for prizes. Times to be decided later. This event will take place in the Merchants building.
Amount of merchandise to be ordered for the Spring Festival will be decided by Linda, Barb, & Sue.
Food Pantry – The officers of NIBGA have voted to organize a food collection for the Kendallville Food Pantry. Because of the jobless rate being so high (18% going to 20%) in Kendallville area we would like to help our fellow men and women. On Saturday of the festival, the Mayor Susan Hanshoe will be presented with our donations. It is asked that any one who can and will, donate one or more items. Protean foods are important. Do as you can.
Need postings on:
and other bluegrass sites – no progress.
Valerie Smith & band will be in the Ft. Wayne area in April. Jim Winger has been in touch with Jim Nixon of the Kendallville Elem./Middle School. He is asking if VS Band can go to the schools for a TAM program. No Response yet.
Jim & Linda Winger will host a House party on April 18th. See newsletter for details. There is a small charge and reservations are necessary since space is limited. Valerie Smith Band will be playing at the S.W. Conservation Club on Sunday April 19th for the NIBGA Meeting/Jam Session. Come early. Space there is limited also.
There was a motion on the TAM program that NIBGA donate some money from the TAM program for 4 schools. Maybe 2 shows on Thursday afternoon and 2 on Friday morning. After discussion of the officers and agreeing, Sandy Carnes motioned that NIBGA donate up to $1,200.00 for 4 shows. That would be $300.00 per show. Pam Keiper second. All say yes. Motion carried.
Jim & Linda priced flyers at Office Depot & Staples. Fastprint, our current vendor, is much cheaper.
3Rivers FCU will award us a small grant ($200-400). Jim asked for $1,000.00. They want a vendor table under the band tent at the festival. How should we use the money? It was suggested we use it for a Nursing home show or school TAM. Paul Saurborn motioned to use the donation for TAM. Sandy Carnes second. All say yes. Motion Carried.
Flyers mailed to bands and many jams. Who else should receive flyers? Bill and Gloria will distribute info to about 419 outlets.
Place mat advertising has been submitted. Don Moore says selling ads is really tough.
College newspaper advertising – IU/PU is a weekly publication with 4,000 circulation. It would cost $220 to insert our flyer. The printing would cost about $240. It was discussed in detail and decided it would be a good idea to try. Best time to advertise in IU/PU paper would be late April. T.J. Collins made a motion to advertise with flyers in the IU/PU paper and any other papers we might connect with that are reasonable. Sandy Carnes second. All say yes. Motion Carried.
Tonia Bacon agreed to do a study and collect a list of Collages, Universities, that would insert our flyer or ad. She will check on cost and details. The foucs is for Labor Day festival.
Approval of expenses.
Sandy Carnes motioned to adjourn. T.J. Collins second.
Next meeting of NIBGA is April 19th, 2009. Adjourned: 2:55 P.M.
Respectfully ~ NIBGA Secretary ~ Barbara Collins
Officers Present:
Pres. Jim Winger V.
Pres. Sandra Carnes
Secretary Barbara Collins
Treasurer Linda Winger
Directors of the board:
T.J. Collins
Paul Saurborn
Officers absent:
Joe Wyandt was with his wife Rachel who had thyroid surgery. Pam Keiper was in contact via conference call from Texas. Joe Steiner & Chris Cooperrider were at a Seminar.
Secretary’s report by Barbara Collins:
There was one correction. Instead of 1 handicap Port-a-Jon and 6 regular ones ~ there will be 1 handicap & 5 regular. Handicap placed at the gate area as before. Two about 40 yards north of gate, one by fence near Down Yonders, one near “tent city” east of Horse & Pony area, one in infield parking as before.
Sandy Carnes made a motion to accept the correction and the rest of the Feb. minutes. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Motion carried.
Treasurers report by Linda Winger:
February Financial Report was read and reviewed. The two CDs at National City had been closed out and the money moved to Three Rivers FCU checking to obtain a better short term interest rate.
Sandy Carnes motioned to accept the report. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Carried.
Golf carts rented from Elliott Cars & Carts, Warsaw, IN, deposit made, PGC notified of change. 10 Standard, 2-passenger-one seat. One Utility golf cart. 7 will be delivered on Friday 5/15/09. The rest on Monday 5/18/09.
Jim Egoff says: Backstage Promotions will be publishing our festival in the next issue.
Attendance at SPGMA was down slightly.
Fairgrounds contract expires 12/31/2010.
Louisville show, 3/22 very much in question.
Final list of bands hired. For S09 and F09 reviewed
T-Shirt design finished. Train on the front and back –designed by Linda Winger.
2008 Tax Filings: Leslie Ellis will respond. Pending.
Old Time Dance – Chris Cooperrider Chairman – Pending
Wash & Wax stage – request for help in April newsletter.
Festival sponsors – requested info from NIBA who get funds from the IL arts. No response to two request. West MI BFMA is refiling from 501-C4 (Social organization) to a 501-C3 (contributions are tax deductable) at an estimated cost of $2,000.00 so they can get grants. NIBGA is 501-C4.
Vendor Status report by Sandy Carnes: Pretty much all the food vendors from before are coming back. Have not heard from the ‘Hot Dog Man’. Inquires from others to attend are for – Fire Wood, Bed Sheets, etc.. The Moose and Lions Club will be opening their food booths.
RV advertising – no response, dropping them as a possibility
Hotel reservations for IBMA – Three rooms reserved & can be canceled by Aug. 30.
Sandy Tedford proposes White Elephant bingo. It was voted on in the Feb. meeting that she would be allowed to direct a bingo 1 or 2 nights prior to the festival days. Festival attendees can bring items to donate for prizes. Times to be decided later. This event will take place in the Merchants building.
Amount of merchandise to be ordered for the Spring Festival will be decided by Linda, Barb, & Sue.
Food Pantry – The officers of NIBGA have voted to organize a food collection for the Kendallville Food Pantry. Because of the jobless rate being so high (18% going to 20%) in Kendallville area we would like to help our fellow men and women. On Saturday of the festival, the Mayor Susan Hanshoe will be presented with our donations. It is asked that any one who can and will, donate one or more items. Protean foods are important. Do as you can.
Need postings on:
and other bluegrass sites – no progress.
Valerie Smith & band will be in the Ft. Wayne area in April. Jim Winger has been in touch with Jim Nixon of the Kendallville Elem./Middle School. He is asking if VS Band can go to the schools for a TAM program. No Response yet.
Jim & Linda Winger will host a House party on April 18th. See newsletter for details. There is a small charge and reservations are necessary since space is limited. Valerie Smith Band will be playing at the S.W. Conservation Club on Sunday April 19th for the NIBGA Meeting/Jam Session. Come early. Space there is limited also.
There was a motion on the TAM program that NIBGA donate some money from the TAM program for 4 schools. Maybe 2 shows on Thursday afternoon and 2 on Friday morning. After discussion of the officers and agreeing, Sandy Carnes motioned that NIBGA donate up to $1,200.00 for 4 shows. That would be $300.00 per show. Pam Keiper second. All say yes. Motion carried.
Jim & Linda priced flyers at Office Depot & Staples. Fastprint, our current vendor, is much cheaper.
3Rivers FCU will award us a small grant ($200-400). Jim asked for $1,000.00. They want a vendor table under the band tent at the festival. How should we use the money? It was suggested we use it for a Nursing home show or school TAM. Paul Saurborn motioned to use the donation for TAM. Sandy Carnes second. All say yes. Motion Carried.
Flyers mailed to bands and many jams. Who else should receive flyers? Bill and Gloria will distribute info to about 419 outlets.
Place mat advertising has been submitted. Don Moore says selling ads is really tough.
College newspaper advertising – IU/PU is a weekly publication with 4,000 circulation. It would cost $220 to insert our flyer. The printing would cost about $240. It was discussed in detail and decided it would be a good idea to try. Best time to advertise in IU/PU paper would be late April. T.J. Collins made a motion to advertise with flyers in the IU/PU paper and any other papers we might connect with that are reasonable. Sandy Carnes second. All say yes. Motion Carried.
Tonia Bacon agreed to do a study and collect a list of Collages, Universities, that would insert our flyer or ad. She will check on cost and details. The foucs is for Labor Day festival.
Approval of expenses.
Sandy Carnes motioned to adjourn. T.J. Collins second.
Next meeting of NIBGA is April 19th, 2009. Adjourned: 2:55 P.M.
Respectfully ~ NIBGA Secretary ~ Barbara Collins
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Bluegrass Hotel Project has changes
The March 20 show at the Galt House, Louisville, KY has a number of artist changes. Sam Bush, John Cowan and Tony Rice will not be appearing according to their web sites. Before attending investigate!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Flyers have been mailed!
Of the 10,000 NIBGA flyers which have both festivals listed, 8,276 have been mailed at a cost of $237.32. This includes all the bands for both Memorial and the Labor Day festivals along with several clubs and area jams. 1,500 flyers were folded for use in the newsletter, publicity and music store mailings. Printing 10,000 flyers cost $514.58 which was below quotes from Staples and Office Depot.
Since this flyer has both festivals, should the club do another mailing for just the Labor Day festival in the June time frame?
Under consideration is inserting the flyer in the IU/PU Communicator student newspaper at the Fort Wayne campus. They would need 4,000 flyers and the cost would be close to $500. To recover our costs an additional 50 or so attendees at the festival would be needed or 1.25% hit rate. To make a profit, you would need a 2.5% hit rate. Is this realistic?
The Trine North Campus student newspaper in Angola, IN is also being considered. This will be a board topic.
Since this flyer has both festivals, should the club do another mailing for just the Labor Day festival in the June time frame?
Under consideration is inserting the flyer in the IU/PU Communicator student newspaper at the Fort Wayne campus. They would need 4,000 flyers and the cost would be close to $500. To recover our costs an additional 50 or so attendees at the festival would be needed or 1.25% hit rate. To make a profit, you would need a 2.5% hit rate. Is this realistic?
The Trine North Campus student newspaper in Angola, IN is also being considered. This will be a board topic.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
On line Bluegrass lessons
My name is Jon Meek, and am a bluegrass performer and instructor based out of Bozeman, Montana. I am writing to tell you about my website.
I offer personalized one-on-one music lessons for guitar, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, and dobro using video chat software such as Skype and iChat. My website also has lots of free tab, music, and videos for each instrument and more information about online music lessons. I would greatly appreciate it if you could either add a link or post something about my site.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Jon Meek
Bluegrass Lesssons On Line
My name is Jon Meek, and am a bluegrass performer and instructor based out of Bozeman, Montana. I am writing to tell you about my website.
I offer personalized one-on-one music lessons for guitar, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, and dobro using video chat software such as Skype and iChat. My website also has lots of free tab, music, and videos for each instrument and more information about online music lessons. I would greatly appreciate it if you could either add a link or post something about my site.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Jon Meek
Bluegrass Lesssons On Line
Friday, March 06, 2009
Bluegrass can be played on many instruments
Just when you think you know the answer to the question, "What is Bluegrass?" someone shows you why you might be wrong.
Check this group out.
Check this group out.
The Bluegrass Hotel show March 20 questions?
The March 20 show at the Galt House, Louisville, KY has a number of artist changes. Sam Bush, John Cowan and Tony Rice will not be appearing according to their web sites. Before attending investigate!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tri-State Memorial Bands - Kendallville, IN
- Here are the web sites of bands that will be appearing over the Memorial weekend festival at Kendallville, IN. Echo Valley and the Suzuki Fiddlers do not have web sites.
I expect the flyer to be online at the NIBGA web site yet this week. We welcome your feedback on the band selections.
XM Radio does Track by Track with Audie Blaylock
Tune in to XM Radio's Bluegrass Junction Track by Track
Kyle Cantrell enlists Audie Blaylock for an exclusive track by track review
of his latest CD, Audie Blaylock and Redline
![]() | The Schedule: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 -- 11am ET Sunday, March 8, 2009 -- 11am ET Tuesday, March 10, 2009 -- 9pm ET |
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