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Friday, June 12, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015 NIBGA Festival status meeting

Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association - Fairgrounds - Kendallville, IN
Thursday, May 21, 2015 Festival status meeting

To cover all points in preparation for the festival beginning this evening.

Officers present:                                      Board directors:
   Pres. - Jim Winger                                       T J Collins
   Vice-pres - Joe Steiner                                 Pam Keiper
   Secretary - Barbara Collins                          Paul Saurborn
   Treasurer - Linda Winger

Others: Brenda Aldrich, Jim Miller, Jan Meade, Carolyn & Richard Bacon, Jeanette Young, Dave Keiper, Dave Vogie, Terry & Louise McLouth, Dave Smith, Chris Vogie.

Linda Winger - Treasurer gave a quick report on how many campers are on the grounds as of today.
 Linda says the flowers donated by Krogers are worth $350.00. They are to go to the Noble Co. Fairgrounds after the Sunday night show.

Merchandise: Jeanette and Louise report it is ready. The C card has been tested. A purchase needs to be at least $25.00 or more says Jim Winger.

Chris Vogie; Stage is ready. Announcers are all set.

T J - Grounds; Things are going good. No complaints for now from campers. There is a heavy water leak in the back field that will be attended to.

Green Room - Bacons report that all is ready. Water/Coffee/cookies. (All cookies are homemade by Bacon's.)

Saturday 5/24 - First Saturday band on stage at 11:00 a.m.

All Officers and Chair on stage at 11:45 a.m.

Meeting closed at 1:10 p.m.

Secretary - Barbara Collins

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