The April meeting of the Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association was held at the Southwest Conservation Club, 5703 Bluffton Rd. Fort Wayne, IN (260) 747-4677 beginning at 1 PM.
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Winger.
Officers present were: Pres. Jim Winger, V. Pres Joe Steiner, Treas. Linda Winger, Sect. Barbara Collins. Board Directors: T.J. Collins, Joe Wyandt, Paul Saurborn. Pam Keiper was present via conference phone call. Also present were Taxi Chair – Chris Cooperrider and Vender Chair – Jeanette Young. Past president Sandy Carnes attended. There were 4 other members in attendance.
Minutes of the March meeting were sent by Sect. Barbara Collins via e-mail to all officers, after the March meeting. Paul Saurborn made a motion to accept the minutes. T.J. Collins second. All approved. Motion carried.
The March Financial reports were sent by e-mail to all officers in April. Financials were reviewed at the 4/18/10 meeting. Barbara Collins motioned to accept the financial report. Joe Wyandt second. All approved. Motion carried.
Dues for the 2009/2010 season are discontinued. We are now taking applications for the new season of 2010/2011. Effective May 1, 2010 to April 30, 2011.
Joe Steiner and Chris Cooperrider have prepared a unique ad for advertising the Memorial weekend festival. This ad will be run on the WPAQ, an all Bluegrass station, in Mount Airy, NC. We have 3 bands coming from this area. The intent is to try and get some campers from that area. Joe Steiner played two different arrangements of the ad from his laptop for the officers to hear. WPAQ plays Bluegrass music all day. The voices on the ads are Joe S. and Chris C. The officers were very pleased with the results of the ad recordings.
TABLE: Renting a billboard near Angola to capture campers and create interest in our festival. Cost – 30 days = $500.00. Sandy Carnes will talk with her daughter about possibilities and cost. Her daughter works for a bill board company.
Advertising is under budget at this time.
TABLE: Port-a-jon usage. No response from Terry.
501c3 Jim W. and Chris C.: Jim has 30 pages of forms to review, and 38 pages of instructions. This will take a lot of work but will be beneficial to the club. With a 501c3 the club can apply for grants from Indiana and other places. This would help in funding for bands. The cost for applying is $800 in person or $200 on line. Under 501c3 the club could not promote politics which is something we wouldn't do anyway.
International Bluegrass Music Association sponsor for 2010 World of Bluegrass Convention in Nashville. Joe Steiner will be doing a follow up with Dan Hays to complete the arrangements.
New Fairgrounds Contract for 2011/2013: Pres. Jim Winger reports there has been clarification on some items, some still pending. Dialogue is in process. Frank Morton, NCCFC president, understands our major concerns about use of the track area. He will talk with his track committee.
Jim W. said: Don Moore says absolutely NO sleeping in the barns.
Linda Winger showed the finished design for the 2010 T-shirts. Colors for standard T-shirts will be Jade and Camel. Other colors will be used for Polo, long sleeve, tanks and such depending on what colors are available.
TABLED UNTIL FALL: Extended workshops. Chris Cooperrider has not been able to put together scheduling yet.
Dave Vogie – Workshop Chairman is having trouble getting people to agree to conduct workshops for Memorial weekend.
Band Hosting: The Bacon family is hosting West Bound Rangers at the Spring festival. All bands are covered except Town Mountain, Special C., Chapel Hill, Echo Valley, Nobody's Darlin', and Faces Made for Radio
The mosquito spraying is scheduled for Memorial festival paid by NIBGA.
Notify bands there will be two tickets at the gate per member. They need to sign for their tickets. Joe S.
TABLE: Electronic sign at Fairgrounds in Kendallville.
Contact electrician and get a cable - J.W. Paul S. will connect it.
Festival Vendors – Jeanette Young, Chair. Jeanette has sent out letters to prospective vendors. She is waiting for replies. Some are fairly sure and others are pending. There is room for more as of now. According to our contract agreements NIBGA does not have to allow a group to vend just because they have a building on the fairgrounds. During our contract period we have the right to refuse them. There will be no use of the cement slab at the Pork Producers building.
The phone number to reach Chris Cooperrider –Taxi Chair, on the fairgrounds during the festival performances is: 419-721-8016.
The number of Golf carts for officers and Gate Captains was again reviewed at the 4/18/10 meeting. Some golf carts will be shared by associate gate captains. In addition to the two seat carts, one utility cart, there will be one 4 seat golf cart for taxi use and one 6 seat cart for taxi use.
T.J. Collins motioned to change one 4 seat taxi to a 6 seat taxi. (Total 2 taxi carts) Paul Saurborn second. All approved. Motion carried.
TABLE: Consider our TAM program sponsoring a band for the Art Festival.
Taxes are due in two weeks. Jim will get the information out to Leslie Ellis.
Summer newsletter mailings: May - Sandy Carnes
June – Barbara Collins
July – Al & Leslie Ellis
August – Paul Saurborn
September – Joe Wyandt
Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn the meeting. Joe Wyandt second. All agree. Motion carried.
The next meeting of the NIBGA officers will be Sunday May 23, in the Log Cabin at the Noble Co fairgrounds. Carry-in dinner at 1 pm with meeting following.
NIBGA Secretary: Barbara Collins