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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Taxi drivers at the Labor Day festival

A HUGE heart-felt “thank you” to all of the taxi drivers for the Labor Day Tri-State Festival!!! We ran two taxis from the stage to the parking lot and/or campgrounds the entire time bands were on stage. Our volunteer numbers more than doubled from last year – proving how much FUN it is to drive the taxi. Where else can you wear a little white vest, carry a radio, and zip around on four wheels, while listening to the best bluegrass in the Midwest??

Every volunteer told me that their passengers were very appreciative of the taxi service, and plans are already underway to improve that service for next year. In addition to the volunteers that drove the “official” taxies, I’d like to thank all of the board members who used their golf carts to shuttle people around. They were kept very busy, too!!

The taxis ran for 35 two-hour shifts. Below are the volunteers (with the number of shifts in parenthesis if they ran more than one). Thank you so much for your time! I hope to see you again in the spring!

(names omitted)

Chris Cooperrider - taxi coordinator

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