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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Late night Monday at IBMA

We didn't get to bed until about 2:45a. Sat up and talked about Chris Cooperriders upcoming presentation in the Volunteer seminar to be held on Tuesday morning.

Linda and I were awakened with a 7a (8a Indiana) phone call from an event producer member wanting information on three bands. It was hard to go back to sleep so we groggily got up and got ready to go.

Jim attended the Video on the web 101 seminar and Linda was at the Recruiting Volunteer seminar.

Chris did great Linda said. The audience was amazed that a festival could be run on a $25 weekend ticket with true volunteers. The two other panelists had over 500 paid volunteers. (tickets, real cash, food, etc.)

Jim spoke with a lawyer about changing from a 501C4 to a 501C3 organization. It looks like it is doable but will take time this winter to make it happen.

We will be moving the sound equipment down to the NIBGA showcase room at 2:15a. Time for a little inter-eye inspection.

1 comment:

Chris Cooperrider said...

Funny story. Last night (is 3:30 a.m. "night"???) we were discussing BRANDING and how your festival should have a brand. Being brain-dead-sleep-deprived right now, I can't describe what branding is....but it's sort of like saying "Tri-State Festival" or "NIBGA" is our brand. If you say that, people know what you mean.

Anyway, I was coming up in the elevator with a couple young men....obviously musicians....and one looked at my name tag. He said, "Oh! You're from Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association! That's cool! We played a festival out there called 'Kendallville'.... have ya'll ever heard of it??"