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Friday, June 12, 2015

May 17 NIBGA Festival Organizational meeting

Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association Orientation Meeting at the Noble County Fairgrounds, U.S. #6, Kendallville, Indiana

Our Mission: The purpose of this organization shall to be educate the public and promote the awareness of, Bluegrass and Old Time Country Music.

                 Pres. Jim Winger called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
                 Roll call: Officers present are:                  Board directors:
                   President - Jim Winger                             T J Collins
                   Vice-president - Joe Steiner                      Pam Keiper
                   Secretary - Barbara Collins                       Paul Saurborn
                   Treasurer - Linda Winger

           Others present: Jim Miller - Co-gate captain; Greg & Brenda Aldrich - Co-gate captains; Tonia Bacon - Band Scramble Chair;         Carolyn & Richard Bacon - Green Room Hostess; Maggie & Gary Bilby - Instrument workshop instructors; Louise & Terry McLouth - Merchandise/Membership table co-chair; Jay Winger; Dave Keiper - grounds; Chris Steiner - Instrument Workshop          Chair, Taxi Chair; Leslie Ellis - Co-gate captain; Julie Goldsmith - Kids Korner Craft Chair; Jeanette Young - Vendor              Chair & Merchandise /Membership table Co-chair.
  • April Secretary report approved.
  • Treasurer's report - Festival update.
  • Internet has two different signals;: One on the Merchants Bldg & one on the Log Cabin. 
  • WAWK - Behind the mic - Wed. 5/20 - 9:20 a.m. with Joe Steiner and Jim Winger. To advertise the festival. 
  • Avilla nursing home scheduled; Paul Saurborn will go with the Trinity River Band to the nursing home on Friday 5/22 at 2:00 p.m.        The band will perform a show for the residents. 
  • Port-a-jons will be delivered Monday 5/18 early p.m.   Service schedule will be: 
    • Wednesday PM RV only
    • Friday PM RV and Portajons
    • Saturday PM RV and Portajons
    •  Monday 7 AM  RV only
    • RV pumps will be $10 each
  • The stage will be inside the Activities Pavilion on a 12' x 24' x 24' platform. Need tarps hung up behind the stage Wednesday after tents are installed. Flowers available for pick up at Kroger's. Donated by Kroger;s. Will be set on the stage. 
  • Garbage pickup:  AM on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday. Old trash is to be picked up.
  • Security Schedule: Thursday - 4 to 11 p.m.; Friday - 6 p.m. to Midnight; Saturday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. No Sunday. 
  • 2015 Summer Newsletter mailing schedule:

    • June 21 - Barbara Collins
    • July 19 - Paul Saurborn
    • August 16 - Joe & Chris Steiner
    • September - Pam Keiper

  • Pres. Jim Winger reviewed the Emergency procedures used if necessary during the festival. Jim would call the shots for which procedure to use in case of a missing child. We cannot advise people where to take shelter in case of a storm but there is shelter in the basement of the Firehouse.
  • All officers and volunteers are encouraged to be approachable and friendly to attendees. Show appreciation to attendees and campers.
  • Julie Goldsmith - Kids Korner. Set up in Mini Barn needs 12 Tables and 30 Chairs.
  • Activities are Saturday 5/23 - 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
  • The 'Green Room' (Band Hospitality) needs tables and chairs set up for the Bacon's in the Merchants Building.
  • Workshop Review; Friday & Saturday. Set up requirements. Friday Square Dance workshop in the Log Cabin 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Need 8 chairs in the Show Arena for the workshops on Saturday 5/23. The workshop will be before the Band Scramble.
  • Vendor Chair - Jeanette Young - Wood will be available for sale at Jeanette's campsite. A Church group will be opening at Bonnie's former stand with a variety of foods. The music vendor will be here. Masons will be serving food at the Lion's Stand. Other food items will be Ice Cream, Mexican food, Carmel corn, Fried Spiral potatoes, Lemon Aid,etc.
  • A Jewelry vendor and a Kid's toy stand will be here. Plus a few more.
  • Band Scramble - Tonia Bacon Chair; All set and ready. Band scramble drawing will be backstage at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Band Scramble will be 4:00 to 5:10 p.m.. There will be a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place prize awarded.
  • Merchandise table - Schedule for opening and closing will be determined by Jeanette Young and Louise McLouth - Co-merchandise chair. (They will train for using the CC processing after this meeting.)
  • Chris Vogie will be stage manager for the festival. Announcers will be: Thursday 5/21 - Bob Gilson. Friday 5/22 - Terry Thacker. Saturday 5/23 Early shows Terry Thacker. Saturday 5/23 Evening shows - Donnie Voiles. Sunday afternoon - 5/24 -Terri Grannis. Sunday evening  5/24 - Elaine Vogie.
  • "50 - 50 drawing" - Pam Keiper will chair the 50 - 50. Tickets will go on sale today 5/17 $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Drawing will be after the Band Scramble Saturday 5/23.
  • Advertising Update; 
    • Ft. Wayne Newspapers 130,000 web impressions 5 x 5 ad Thursday/Friday, Sunday.(Show ad)
    • Kendallville News Sun - One page in KPC media group (show ad) * Mailing to 237 media outlets (early May)
    • Updates to NIBGA Facebook page frequently to keep readers coming back.
    • Facebook, Google ad buys - Joe Steiner reports

  • Gate Schedule - Pam Keiper & Paul Saurborn will decide when to close the gate on Saturday evening. Gibson Brothers play 5:50 & 10:00 p.m. (Gate will stay open until 8:30 or 9:00 p.m.) Sign ups for working the gate have started.
  • Golf Cart Allocation - If you are not using your cart, someone else gets your cart for the day. Need to share. Carts came in on Friday 5/15.
  • Grounds Update - Taxi signs need put on the golf carts today.
  • Reminder: All officers, Chair & Gate captains on stage for introduction at 11:45 a.m. on Saturday 5/23.

  • Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. T J Collins seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2:55
    Next Meeting: Thursday 5/21 at Wingers Trailer. A 10 minute wrap up.

    Secretary - Barbara Collins
    Done 6/3/15

    Thursday, May 21, 2015 NIBGA Festival status meeting

    Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association - Fairgrounds - Kendallville, IN
    Thursday, May 21, 2015 Festival status meeting

    To cover all points in preparation for the festival beginning this evening.

    Officers present:                                      Board directors:
       Pres. - Jim Winger                                       T J Collins
       Vice-pres - Joe Steiner                                 Pam Keiper
       Secretary - Barbara Collins                          Paul Saurborn
       Treasurer - Linda Winger

    Others: Brenda Aldrich, Jim Miller, Jan Meade, Carolyn & Richard Bacon, Jeanette Young, Dave Keiper, Dave Vogie, Terry & Louise McLouth, Dave Smith, Chris Vogie.

    Linda Winger - Treasurer gave a quick report on how many campers are on the grounds as of today.
     Linda says the flowers donated by Krogers are worth $350.00. They are to go to the Noble Co. Fairgrounds after the Sunday night show.

    Merchandise: Jeanette and Louise report it is ready. The C card has been tested. A purchase needs to be at least $25.00 or more says Jim Winger.

    Chris Vogie; Stage is ready. Announcers are all set.

    T J - Grounds; Things are going good. No complaints for now from campers. There is a heavy water leak in the back field that will be attended to.

    Green Room - Bacons report that all is ready. Water/Coffee/cookies. (All cookies are homemade by Bacon's.)

    Saturday 5/24 - First Saturday band on stage at 11:00 a.m.

    All Officers and Chair on stage at 11:45 a.m.

    Meeting closed at 1:10 p.m.

    Secretary - Barbara Collins