Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association - Festival Orientation Meeting -
August 25, 2013 at Noble County Fairgrounds, Kendallville, IN.
The meeting was called to order by NIBGA President Jim Winger at 2:05 p.m.
Officers present: President Jim Winger, Vice-President Joe Steiner,
Secretary Barb Collins, Treasurer Linda Winger
Board Directors: TJ Collins, Pam Keiper, Paul Saurborn
Others present: Chris Cooperrider, Jeanette Young, Tonia Bacon, Sandra
Carnes, Richard & Carolyn Bacon, Greg & Brenda Aldridge, Al, Leslie and
Michael Ellis, Dave Keiper, Gary & Maggie Bilby, Jay Winger, Jan Meade,
Hanna, Clair, and Michaela Gerkin.
Secretary's report: Barbara Collins emailed the May minutes to all
officers on 6/2/13. There were no additions or corrections. Jim reported the SF
merchandise inventory was off $223. Jim covered Spring Festival
Income/Outflow. Paul Saurborn motioned the minutes be accepted. Pam
Keiper seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's report: Linda Winger reported that all monthly reports have been emailed. At this time we are $6190 ahead of last festival. There are 70 units in as of Sat. 24th. Linda will be doing revisions in a couple of months. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept the report. Joe Steiner seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
President Jim Winger complimented the gate for doing such a good job.
WAWK Behind the mic Weds @ 9:30 a.m.
Avilla Nursing Home show scheduled for 8/30/13 @ 2:00 p.m. Paul Saurborn
will be escorting the band "Sons of Bluegrass" to Avilla.
Merrills may or may not come. Gloria is not feeling well.
The grounds is very clean. Contact is Ron Richards. Frank Morton is much
better but not 100%. Tim Addis’ daughter was injured & he is out.
Bonnie Manning, professional photographer, will be here Saturday taking
pictures and she has her tickets.
Portajons will be delivered on Monday 8/26 and picked up the week after
Labor Day. Pumping of RVs only on Wed 28th. On Friday 8/30, will service both
Portajons & RVs. Saturday 8/31 will service both portajons & RVs. On
Monday 9/2 coming early in the morning to service RVs for departing campers.
Propane for guests will be $12 for 20# tanks and $15 for 30# tanks. RV pumps
will be $10 each.
Garbage pickup: AM on Weds, Fri., Sat., Sun., Tues.
Security schedule Thursday - 4-11,
Friday - 6-midnight, Saturday - 11 AM. - 11 PM. No Sunday
NCCFC contract not due until 2016 but 2014 rate is $12,500 and 2015 is
$13,000. If 2013 is a loss, these rates need to be renegotiated. Issue of
losses raised at NCCFC meeting 4/20/13. TABLED - no action.
501C3 discussion led by Robin Wenger, the commitment and responsibilities
of being a grant recipient - postponed until Oct 20, 2013 NIBGA meeting.
The Sept 15 newsletter mailing will be done by Joe Steiner and Chris
Emergency procedures review. Jim suggested that all keep their copy close
at hand. In the case of a missing child, it is necessary to ask for a
detailed description of the child.
Anyone with a News Sun letter: letter is good for 2 daily tickets. Take
letter - give tickets (2).
Mini Barn Set Up for B.U.G. (Bluegrass Under Ground) Need tables and
several chairs. Need security during workshops and B.U.G..
Kids Korner - Julie Goldsmith. Need 12 tables & 36 chairs. Some
of the activities are tile painting, making furry spiders, beaded necklaces,
etc. Saturday morning 9AM. Need help setting up. Jay Winger teaching
checkers. (P.S. 40 children attended.)
Saturday workshops - Dave Vogie chairman. Maggie & Gary Bilby in the Mini Barn @
Vendor update - Jeanette Young - chair. Have been in touch with many vendors. Some for
sure - some not for sure. Ones for sure are - Masons in the Lions
booth; ice machine at the Moose booth; Dawson's Deep Fried Veggies;
Soft Serve Ice Cream; Pizza by the Slice; Fish; Jewelry; Car Wash &
repair kits for RVs.; Metal Art; Fire wood man; Soft pretzels; Hungry
Howie's Pizza.
Band Scramble- Tonia Bacon - chair. There will be a notice on
the bulletin board. Time set for just before Supper Break on Sat 8/31/13.
5 people signed by Sun 8/25/13. $5 each to join. Prize for winning band is
$250. Tonia will have a sign at her RV and will promote all week.
Merchandise schedule. Opening Thursday 8/29 - Close Sun 9/1 in the
evening. Tonia will run Thursday & Sunday. Jeanette will run Friday &
Joe Steiner is Stage Manager during the festival’s 4 days.
50/50 drawing. Will sell tickets all week. Drawing at the stage right
after Band Scramble right before Supper break. Approx. 4:30 or 5:00 p.m..
Advertising update: Facebook - Joe Steiner reports 29,000 Likes (Hits). Jim
Winger reports on Google action. We do placemats now instead of the News
Sun wraps.
Gate schedule: Pam Keiper - Paul Saurborn Captains. New associate captain
is Jim Miller replacing Al Ellis whose job keeps him from doing gate captain at
this time.
Golf Cart allocation; Golf carts will be shared by associate gate
Grounds update; Grounds look good, Jim Winger says. Taxi signs need to be
put on carts.
Treasurer Linda Winger passed out note books and pens, asking each
officer and captain and chair person to keep a diary of their work hours and
travel time for the 501C3 records. This information will be used for applying
for grants.
Chris Cooperrider - Taxi Chair - The Taxi sign-up sheet will be at the ice
cream cabin.
Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. T.J. Collins seconded. All say yes.
Meeting adjourned by Pres. Jim Winger at 3:00 PM.
* Note: Next meeting will be at 1:00 PM Thursday 8/29 @ the Winger's
* * * * * *
NIBGA Organizational Meeting Noble County Fairgrounds - Kendallville August 29, 2013 1:00 PM
Officers Present: President Jim Winger, Vice-President Joe Steiner,
Secretary Barb Collins, Treasurer Linda Winger.
Board Directors: TJ Collins, Pam Keiper, Paul Saurborn
Others Present: Dave Keiper, Jeanette Young, Tonia Bacon, Richard &
Carolyn Bacon, Leslie Ellis, Jan Meade, Dave Vogie, Jim Miller, Maggie Bilby,
Greg & Brenda Aldridge.
Treasurer's report. Now 182 camping units. Income as of now is
Grounds: Dave Keiper & T.J. Collins. Good. Going smooth. Plenty
of parking space left. Electric and water are O.K. as of now. Corrected a few
Vendors: Jeanette Young. Almost all in. Still have wood.
Hospitality room. Bacon's are set up and ready. Bacon's report that
the bottled water was donated by Steve Jennings business. Reminded to lock up
the Merchants building each night.
Merchandise/Membership table: Tonia says all is ready to set up tonight.
Tonia will open Thursday and Sunday. Jeanette will open Friday and
Gate: Pam Keiper and Paul Saurborn. All going good so far. Joe
Steiner asked for them to report to him when the bands arrive.
Workshop: Billby's. Sat 12:00 to 1:00. Changed time.
Band Scramble: Tonia reports 9 have signed up as of today and 3 are on
standby to fill in if needed. Band scramble will start at 5:00 P.M. on
Joe Steiner - Vice president; Reports on all bands.
Announcers: Terri Grannis, Terry Thacker, and Chris Vogie. The stage is
Kids Korner- At the Log Cabin - 9:00 a.m. Saturday. 12 tables - 36
chairs. Still need help setting up.
50/50 tickets are selling well. Drawing after Band Scramble at the stage.
Selling now are T.J. & Barbara Collins and Tonia Bacon and girls and
Pam Keiper.
Bilby's will be playing at Albright's Grocery, Sat. after the "Slow
Plus Jam" is over, for the store’s 59th Anniversary. Bilby's will
also announce at the WAWK radio station and tell about the NIBGA
Tonia - B.U.G. (Bluegrass Under Ground) will begin at 11 P.M. Friday. Joe
Steiner will introduce the band in the Mini Barn. The band is Jug
Paul Saurborn motions to adjourn. T.J. Collins seconded. Meeting
adjourned at 1:12 P.M.