Information related to NIBGA that probably is not on our web site at During the Memorial & Labor Day weekend festival at the Noble County 4H Fairgrounds in Kendallville, IN check Facebook for updates
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Monday, August 31, 2009
NIBGA Board Minutes Aug. 30, 2009
Officers present: Jim Winger, Linda Winger, Paul Saurborn, Joe Wyandt, Pam Keiper, Sandy Carnes, absent: TJ and Barb Collins due to illness.
Minutes read and approved Paul motioned, Sandy 2nd, carried
Linda Winger gave the treasurer’s report
Linda reminded that while our treasurer’s report isn’t secret or hidden, to please be discreet about them, especially band payments.
Treasurer’s Report - Joe W motioned, Paul 2nd, carried
Jim explained how to read the spring financial report. A lot of the expenses for the year are front loaded and the fall should show a higher profit because many of the expenses are charged against the spring festival.
Linda explained how she figures ticket counts. Discussion about the lost package of tickets (which were later found).
Thank you to Joe for keeping band budget down this spring.
Spring 09 was 3rd best festival income wise. 12% gross (this year’s gross) is approximately mid range for profit. Jim needs to send festival prior years summary to board. Was not in board packet.
Joe Wyandt is scheduled to handle the next newsletter mailing.
Fairgrounds to control restroom cleaning through Wednesday. Cheri will handle it after that.
Fire extinguishers are needed in the merchants building. - Al E will do
Fire chief visited on Wednesday and Friday and laid down the law. Said we are in violation of fire code for state of Indiana. No tents in buildings, nothing blocking buildings. Slips will be handed out at the gate stating this fact. People can be ticketed for violating fire laws and camping in the buildings, etc.
Are we liable for people not paying attention? Jeanette says that if someone breaks a law in Allen County, the property owner is responsible. Jim will seek clarification on who is responsible. Stressed that we need to make people aware of the fire laws. (Later, Jim found out that if we see something, we should mention it to the offending party, but if they refuse to move, the fire marshal will handle it.) Also need to make sure people aren’t parking on roads and driveways.
Stage storage: Paul talked about where it will be parked. ¾ of a mile from here in a building that is dry and has sprinklers. $40 a month.
Gate captain report: No volunteers for Monday or Tuesday. Gate captains will handle the gates themselves. 33% off of volunteers from last year. We are losing people that normally volunteer a lot.
When money is picked up at the gate, please jot the time on it. Will make it easier for Linda to figure out.
Barb and TJ: They were told they didn’t need to work this year, that we have things covered. TJ was not sleeping well, so they went home, but are expected back later.
Merchandise: Tonia did inventory yesterday. Polos weren’t ordered this year, they don’t sell well. Please bring checkbook when you come, no IOUs.
Stage tents will be set up Thursday. 6 or 7 tables needed for bands. Tonia will start setting things up during the day – 4:30 ish. Close merchandise area before last band starts. 8 or 9:00. By dusk.
Announcers: make sure that they announce times of closing of Merchandise table. Show off shirts, etc.
Grounds: Joe Wyant. One electric outlet replacement. Things working well so far.
Vendors. Jeanette Young will shadow Sandy. Pork Producers will be open. Not as many vendors as before. No one has been calling. Villa Lions Club open on Wednesday. Bake sale, Ice cream, Russell and Rhonda, Moose (on Thursday), Kettle Korn vendors. No music vendors except Appalachian Grass.
Ice refrigerator in merchants building: $2 for small, $5 for large. We sell it until the Lions get here.
Kids corner: Speed stacking. Tonia’s girls will help. T-shirts, beading, necklaces, bookmarks, teabag folding, and chess and checkers. Will need 12 tables. Had 50 kids last time. Al and someone will move the tables on Friday morning.
Announcers to mention kids corner. Bring a parent to help. Kids corner – 10:00-11:30.
Sandy Tedford will need to let someone know how many tables and chairs she needs for the crafts.
Crafts: Linda showed the card stitching projects. Craft time (1:00-3:00) conflicts with Winettes 2:00 party on Friday. White elephant bingo at 3:30-5:00.
Garage sale/flea market. People need to remember to stop their “camper” sales by noon on Friday. Sandy will cruise the grounds and make sure people have closed shop. Positive feedback on the garage sales.
Golf cart drivers. Chris will need more volunteers this year. Must be licensed driver, 21 years old, and have insurance. Need to make sure they aren’t taking their family and friends for rides. Chris will have sign-up sheets on Wednesday.
Jim passed out article about golf carts and why we won’t have them. Insurance is expensive and hard to find.
H1N1 virus. Keep your hands clean.
NIBGA credit card was canceled. Non-profit has to jump though hoops to get a card. Need a copy of the minutes that show that President is approved to get a credit card.
"Jim and Linda Winger have approval of the board to acquire credit cards for business use and purchase of materials necessary to conduct the affairs of the NIBGA board"
Paul motioned, Sandy seconded. Motion carried by board of directors.
Donnie Voiles and Chris Vogie will be Friday/Saturday MCs Sunday – Terry Thacker or Bill Merrill will be MC.
Showcase bands:
By Chance: 6:20
Red River: 6:40
Toy Hearts going to nursing home on Friday at 2:00. Paul will drive. Chris going along to videotape.
Next board meeting on Thursday at 1:00 at Wingers camper.
Adjourned approximately 3:30 p.m. Paul motioned, Sandy 2nd. Motion carried
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Kendallville News Sun article about festival
Or click on the title to go to the story.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Toy Hearts to take Jett's Creek slots
Toy Hearts were to play first set Thursday, Friday and supper break Saturday. They will now play in Jetts Creek slots.
They will still play the Avilla Sacred Hearts on Friday at 2p.
The adjusted schedule will be posted Monday on the bulletin board.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
New rules for Labor Day festival
Also, camping is restricted across from the log cabin in the area marked handicapped parking.
Please keep this in mind as you come to the festival.
Jett's Creek cannot make it Sept 5 & 6
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Scotty Smith and 23
Chere M.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Gilbert & Co. at Botanical Gardens
Gilbert & Company will be playing at the Fort Wayne, IN Botanical Gardens this Thursday Aug 20. At this point in time, Jim Cornell will be playing electric bass.
Come on out and hear some bluegrass music. Oh yeah,they have mighty purdy flowers there too!
Chere McKinley
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tri-State nominated for IBMA event of the year
IBMA Nominees are:
· Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival; Oak Hill, New York; July 2008
· 33rd Annual Tri-State Bluegrass Festival; Kendallville, Ind; May 2008
· 2008 World Cultural Fusion Festival; Kawaguchi City, Japan; July 2008
TJ Collins, updates via comments
He's bugging mom to take him home and said she could give him his medicine's. Wish this was possible but, not yet.
Today (Thursday Aug 13) Mom said Dad ate 2 cracker's, some applesauce and some water. He passed the swallow test so he may be getting some lunch today, it will probably be light stuff I'm sure.
He had a little bit of a rough night last night he told mom, said his head hurt ( not surprising with all he's been through). They gave him some vicodin and he's feeling better.
Each day is something new he's doing and it's so exciting to see the progress everyday.
daughter Barb Ortiz
Sophia featured in Flatpicking Guitar Mag

July saw volume 13, issue 5 of Flatpicking Guitar Magazine published with none other than The Toy Hearts’ Sophia Johnson featured on the front cover, interviewed in the magazine and transcribed on the CD.
The first female British bluegrass guitarist to be featured in the magazine, Sophia was delighted to be transcribed for such a prestigious magazine. “it’s been a lifelong ambition to be featured in FGM, I’ve subscribed to the magazine for years and it’s been kind of a bluegrass bible for me. To be featured alongside some of my guitar-playing heroes is such and honour”. Of the transcribed track, Fast Raging River, Sophia said “this is a really bluesy track, the transcription is of the intro and my solo. I was actually a little surprised when I got the transcription through - it looks far more complicated written down that it feels to play it!”
At Tri-State in Kendallville, IN The Toy Hearts from England will be playing the first set on Thursday Sept. 3 at 6:15p and Friday Sept. 4 at 6:00p. They will also play at 4:40-5:25p on Saturday Sept. 5. They will be at the Sacred Hearts nursing home in Avilla on Friday afternoon at 2p.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
TJ Collins moved out of ICU to Rm 363
Hi all;
TJ was moved from ICU this evening (8/11) at 7:00PM. He made the transition well and slept through the short ride to a regular room. His BP was spiking for a couple of days but today was good. He began saying words yesterday we could understand. The first one being BARB. What a birthday gift. Later he asked “How are you?” I told him I was tired but fine. He said several other things. He was fidgety and couldn’t stay comfortable in bed. He kept dropping his legs over the side like he was getting up. I asked him where he was going and he said, “Home”.
Today the words increased and he said people’s names as they visited. Said many other words some not understandable but most sentences had a word or two which helped us understand what he was wanting to say. He was able to make me understand he wanted a Quilt. He was cold so after a sheet, warmed blanket and a heaver blanket he got content and went off to sleep. He is gaining strength in his hands and has a firm grip again. His legs are strong but not good control of the right one yet. His back seems very strong. He is still on the feeding tube, anti seizure medicine, BP med, and such. All goes through the Pick line or feeding tube. He says he is not in pain.
Long days and late evenings but wanted you all to know the Dr. says he will be fine. Thanks for your visits, cards and prayers.
Love to you all ~ Barb
(Visiting restrictions have been removed in his new room._
Monday, August 10, 2009
Jim Cornell suffering from cancer

Jim was Echo Valley's mandolin player and played bass with Gilbert & Co. He has been fighting cancer for some time.
Bobby Davis tells us that I would like to ask everyone to keep Jim Cornell in thoughts and prayers. In conversing with Chere McKinley today, it seems that Jim is continuing to go down hill. The cancer seems to be affecting his memory and motivation skills now. In the past month he's been having lots of trouble with his hands and not able to play music. This is very sad..
Please pray for Jim.
Cards of encouragement can be sent to:
Jim Cornell
227 Cobblers Cove
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825
NIBGA IBMA showcase bands announced
Tuesday September 29
- 11:30 Faces Made For Radio
- Midnight Silver Dagger
- 12:30 Toy Hearts
- 1:00 Farewell Drifters
- 1:30 Town Mountain
Wednesday September 30
- 11:30 Peach Mountain Boys
- Midnight The Hillbenders
- 12:30 New North String Band
- 1:00 Buddy Merriam & Back Roads
- 1:30 Special Consensus
NIBGA will be in Room 213/214 of the Nashville Convention Center , which is attached to the Renaissance Hotel. It is level 2 of the basement.
Gerald Evans
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Sunday Aug. 9 report on TJ
TJ had a smoother day yesterday and today. He seemed in and out all day but more alert. The nurse washed the matter out of his eyes and he opened them several times. They are very weak but just opening them like he did was a thrill to all witnessing it. He was sat up again this afternoon. He was able to sit on the side of the bed longer than yesterday. Propping himself up with just his left arm. Suddenly he decided to stand up and was able to raise himself up with his power. Daughter Barb and nurse grabbed him under the arms and he stood well which made all in the room cheer for him. And he knew what he was doing. Not able to stand alone but he sure put on a show. He does shake his head slowly for “No’ when necessary. Not doing yes yet. I rubbed the bottom of his feet which have always been so sensitive that he would kick you through the wall like a mule. Yesterday I didn’t get much reaction but today he jerked back a bit. The right hand had a little grip today. Left one strong. He can sit up alone but doesn’t stay sitting a long time although today it was quite awhile longer. He is making some vocal sounds some but not words. He made sounds while oldest son Rick talked with him about 5 minutes this morning. He was trying.
The BP has been a problem the last two days but the other vitals are good. The BP goes up and down. Dr. & nurse not sure why. His feeding tube is working well and we are so relieved he is getting nourishment. They turn the TV on now to stimulate him. We are to rub and touch him as much as we want to sensitize him. Not sure he realizes when it is me doing the touching> LOL <
TJ had several visitors today. He reacted well to his brothers and sisters talking to him. Also his nephews. And of course the grand children. There were several friends also. We went in and out quietly and just a few at a time. It went well and he didn’t get agitated like in days past. When they got him settled early evening we slipped home. You all know how tiring it is to the body and mind and we know we have a ways to go yet.
TJ has always been protective of his side burns. They didn’t shave them off until today. He wouldn’t be happy! L. Rick trimmed his mustache and it looks better. Color of skin much better. Incision healing nicely but still has the 30+ staples.
Doing some catching up of wash and such and off to bed. Rest to go back tomorrow and spend my “Guess Which” birthday at the hospital.
Good night all!
Barb, his wife
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Mike Seegar dies at 75 August 7, 2009

Mike Seeger, whose love for traditional songs and tunes inspired many other musicians — including Bob Dylan — to look for the rural roots of American music, died of cancer Friday night at his home in Lexington, Va. He was 75.
He co-founded the New Lost City Ramblers with John Cohen and Tom Paley in the late 1950's. This trailblazing three-person string band combined the urban roots of its own members with a deep regard for music of the countryside and small towns.
His half-brother Pete and sister Peggy are renowned musicians and social activists.
Sat. Aug 8 TJ report
Signed, daughter, Barb Ortiz
Friday, August 07, 2009
More on TJ Friday Aug. 7
He has had a very good day today (Friday). He had physical therapy today and was very good to the commands they had gave him. We have definitely seen the improvements in him today and have made all of us felt very happy!!
TJ Collins status Friday Aug. 7, 2009
This is TJ's daughter Barb and I will try to update you as much as I can.
Dad started having light seizure's on Wednesday & Thursday. They said this is not unusual but, need to get them stopped. They increased his med's which seem to only fix them for a short time. They even changed med's & it still wouldn't stop the light tremors.
As of last night they have sedated him to the point he is resting more and not able to open his eyes and it's like he's just sleeping. They decided to do this so he will rest and hopefully give his brain and body time to heal.
His vitals still have been real good so hopefully he just needs to rest and recover.
They said sometimes when they are sedated like this they have to incubate them and this is just a precaution to help them breathe, so far they have not had to do this. Thank God!
It's been real tough to see dad like this but, we are keeping the faith and have left this in God and the doctor's hand's.
Thanks so much for the extra prayers and all the concern.
He's a strong man as many of you know but, a body and a brain can only go through so much!
Barb Collins Ortiz
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
TJ Collins to have third surgery
Updated: 8/5/09 2:56p
Brandy called. He came through surgery just fine. Doc is 99% certain that all the blood clots are out. TJ cannot speak and his right side is affected. He was VERY agitated this AM when he could not talk to a visitor. The family had him smiling and laughing today.
The doctor has requested minimal visitors since he gets upset since he cannot talk.
He will have to undergo therapy for speech and movement.
Overall, it looks somewhat positive.
TJ Collins Tues 10:15a
They did CT scans around midnight and again this AM. They are awaiting the doctor to read the scans. Rick said he was told TJ's behavoir is abnormal.
Between nurses, doctors, family, friends, etc. there were 40 people in and out of his room. Rick has ask that folks reduce the amount of stimulation he is receiving per doctors orders. He needs his rest to recover.
We will be glad to be a conduit to the family & TJ. At this time no flowers as he is in ICU.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
TJ has another operation
Tonia Bacon
Saturday, August 01, 2009
TJ Collins to have additional surgery
Barb was going home to sleep at home and will be back at Lutheran tomorrow.
TJ Collins recovering great!
Saw the family in the waiting area and they said the doctors told them he might go home as early as Monday. Barb said that TJ's job is to get the motor home ready for Kendallville.