Meeting called to order by Pres. Jim Winger Time: 2:00 PM
Officers present:
Pres.- Jim Winger, V. Pres.- Sandy Carnes, Secretary- Barbara Collins, Treasurer-Linda Winger
Board of Directors
T.J. Collins, Joe Wyandt, Pam Keiper, Paul Saurborn
Gate Captains: Al Ellis, Leslie Ellis, Patty Page
Club members: Charles Carnes, Jay Winger, Rachel Wyandt, Dave Keiper, George Page
Secretary's Report: Additions and corrections to workshop information and Kids Korner for new business. April minutes accepted. Joe Wyandt motioned to accept. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report: April Financial report.
Linda reported that the Suzuki Scholarship has one more year for 2010. This is the 5th year of 6 total Scholarship years from NIBGA.
Sandy Carnes motioned to accept. Paul Saurborn second. All say yes. Motion Carried.
Linda gave a Festival update. As of today she reports 55 camper units. 5 board, 1 band, 1 complimentary, some not paid yet.
- Gypsy Moths were sprayed by airplane at the Noble Co. Fair grounds May 9th & 12th. This was done to control the infestation of moths which would destroy the trees. Hopefully this will destroy the moths and allow the trees to survive.
- Tonia Bacon will continue to contact collages to determine circulation and advertising cost. She will seek possible collage newspapers where NIBGA can advertise festivals. Target advertising for Labor Day.
- Old Time Dance – pending for Fall 09. Chris Cooperrider – chairman.
- Three Rivers Federal Credit Union awarded Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association a $200l grant which will be used for school programs or Nursing Home shows. James Creek Road is scheduled for Sacred Heart show in Avilla, IN on Friday May 22.
- Still need postings on Web sites and other bluegrass sites.
- Grandstand electric – will remove breaker(s) to prevent grandstand lights from coming on.
- May 15 – Joe Wyandt
- June 21 – Barb & TJ Collins
- July 19 – Pam Keiper
- August 16 – Paul Saurborn
- September 20 – Joe Wyandt
T.J. Collins checked the Fire Extinguishers. All are showing green and are in the Merchants building alcove
Gate Captains: Pam Keiper, Paul Saurborn. Pam has made a schedule for gate captains.
Merchandise status: Barb Collins reports all new and vintage merchandise has been inventoried as of 5/16/09. Some ordered items had to be substituted when some colors were not available. A limited amount was ordered by Linda. Women's Visor hats are a new item. Dark blue with white letters – NIBGA.
Grounds status: T.J. Collins and Joe Wyandt: Going well so far. Later they had to work on several electric areas. 3 new 50 amp service connections were installed for bands. T.J. and Paul will put signs on them to reserve "For Bands Only". Discussion of Electric problems and solutions.
Covered schedule of Security for Spring 09'.
Dennis Hudecek from the fair board replaced 40 GFIs.
Known problem areas as of 5/17:
Men's rest room at the grandstand – light
Log Cabin rest room water heater – not working correctly
Woman's rest room in the Merchants building – lights and running toilet
Vendors: Sandy Carnes. All food vendors are back for this festival except Hot Dog man.
Frozen Meat Truck paying 10% or $150.00 – depending. Others will be coming in later.
Health Department not coming. Lady ill.
Review Announcers sheet. Any additions to announcements – give to Bill Merrill.
One showcase band for Thursday 5/21. Conley Schmidt & First Love.
Kids Korner: Linda Winger reporting for Julie Goldsmith. Children can purchase 1 white T-Shirt with a outline of the 09' train design on it for $1. They will be able to paint the design with colors of the child's choice. There will be chess and checker games and other activities. Time: 10:00 – 11:30
Golf Cart Taxis: Chris Cooperrider Manager. Chris will schedule drivers. 'Call a ride' phone number is on the band schedule. Have Linda call a cab driver with information on where to pick up a rider.
Food Drive: Boxes will be placed at the front end of the merchants building. Donations can be put in those boxes. The food will be presented to Kendallville Mayor Susan Handshoe on Saturday 5/23 on stage.
Al Ellis or Paul Saurborn will escort James Creek Road band to Sacred Heart Nursing Home in Avilla on Friday May 22. Show time is 2:00 p.m..
The ATM is in front of the Merchants building.
Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. Pam Keiper second. All say yes.
Pres. Jim Winger adjourns the meeting.
Adjourned: 3:00 p.m.
NIBGA Secretary – Barbara Collins
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