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Monday, July 15, 2013

May NIBGA board minutes

I'm a little slow in getting these published. Barb sent the info in May. 

Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association ~ Festival Orientation Meeting ~ May 19, 2013 
  Noble County Fairgrounds, Kendallville, IN.               

The meeting was called to order by NIBGA Pres. Jim Winger at 2:00 P.M. 

Officers Present:                                  Board Directors:
  President Jim Winger                           T.J. Collins
  Vice-President Joe Steiner                   Pam Keiper
  Secretary Barbara Collins                     Paul Saurborn
  Treasurer Linda Winger

Others Present:  Robin Wenger - Grants Adviser; Chris Cooperrider - Workshop Chair & Taxi Captain; Jeanette Young -Vendor Chair & Merchandise/Membership table, Tonia Bacon Merchandise/Membership table, Band Scramble Chair, B.U.G. Chair, Carolyn Bacon & Richard Bacon - Band Green Room Chair; Sandra Carnes - Past President; Brenda & Greg Auldridge - Co-Gate captains; Leslie & Al Ellis - Co-Gate captains; Michael Ellis, Dave Keiper -Grounds; Jay Winger; Julie Winger-Goldsmith - Kids Korner Director; Lydia Gerkin; Jan Meede - Gate Captain. 

Secretary report: Minutes of the April NIBGA meeting were emailed to all officers April 22, 2013 by Sect. Barbara Collins. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. Joe Steiner seconded. All say yes. Motion carried. 

Treasurer reports: April financials are not available yet. Reporting Treas. Linda Winger. 
 As of today festival gate income is $5,202. 

                                  INFORMATION ITEMS:
 WAWK  Behind the mic Tuesday May 21- 9:32 a.m.

                                   OLD BUSINESS
NCCPC contract not due until 2016 but 2014 rate is $12,500 and 2015 is $13,000. If 2013 is a loss, these rates need to be renegotiated -- issue of losses raised at NCCFC meeting 4/20 . TABLED - no action. 

501C3 discussion led by Robin Wenger; The commitment and responsibilities of being a grant recipient. Robin gave advice, suggestions, goals & objectives for 2014. Many groups give grants to Arts and culture. Mr Wenger recommended each officer keep track of time spent outside of meetings on volunteer jobs including time on phone for club business, money donated, mileage, including time donated at the festivals. Also keep track of people attending Thursday evening free shows at no cost to attendees. Cost of 2 hr radio time and pay for festival stage announcers. Document what the cost of paying workshop directors would be and submit. Mr Wenger also suggested starting with $5,000 to $20,000 grant applications then work up to $50,000 for the arts. Start low. Show proof of handling money then apply for more. This discussion was very informative and productive. 

Kids Korner - Julie G. shared what her craft projects would be for the kids on Sat. 5/ 25. After discussion it was decided she would be able to set up in the Log Cabin instead of the Mini Barn. 

Avilla Nursing Home schedule. The band Cumberland Gap will play a show there at 2:00 p.m.. 5/24. Paul Saurborn will escort them and someone will take pictures. 

Chris Cooperrider - Friday 5/24 workshops are set. Schedule is on the flyer. Chris will do a head count of each work shop. 

Jeanette Young - Vendor chair; Several vendors scheduled to come. Some are - Jones Music, Ice Cream stand, Group in Lions stand, Moose will open9:00 a.m. with a variety of food. wood truck, Amish fruit pies, Indian food, music lady, wood crafts, Four wheelers & etc. 

Tonia Bacon - Band Scramble; Make signs - post several places. Pre-registration required. Pay $5 fee, put name & instrument on paper to drop in drawing. Bands will be matched up and have time to practice 3 songs. Band Scramble begins on stage at 3:40 to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday 5/25. Winning band will receive $250.

Tonia Bacon - Merchandise. Inventory will be done on Thursday morning 5/23. (Was done by Tonia, Carolyn, Jade & Jenna Bacon.) 

Announcers for 5/23 to 5/26 - 2013.  Chris Vogie, Terry Thacker, Cheri Mckenley & Teri Grantis. 

50/50 - Pam Keiper - Ready. Sell tickets all week and have drawing on stage on Saturday 5/25. 

Advertising; Joe Steiner and Jim Winger report that hits on Facebook and Google are up.

Wedding Sat. 5/25 at 5:00 p.m. on stage. Sheri Thompson & Barry Markin will marry on stage during supper break. Harbor town will be playing for the wedding. All officers and gate captains will ride in a procession around the fairgrounds with bells, and tin cans tied to the golf carts to celebrate. Bride and Groom on leading cart. (P.S. This event made the newspapers)

Summer newsletter mailing schedule:  June 16 - Pam Keiper. July 21 - Paul Saurborn. August 18 - Barbara Collins. September 15 - Joe Steiner. 

                           NEW BUSINESS
Pres. Jim Winger passed out print copies of Emergency Response Plans. Plans were reviewed.

NE Indiana Suzuki Guild Fiddlers entrance/ticket procedure. They will arrive Sat. 5/25. They will have their letter for entrance. 

Advertising for Memorial festival - coupons in Post and mail. $2.00 each week end ticket coupon; collect coupon, give week end ticket; no other discounts with coupon; only week end tickets. 

News Sun letter - good for a daily ticket; take letter, give daily ticket. 

Gate schedule - Pam Keiper & Paul Saurborn. Schedule started and going well.

Golf Cart allocation. Each officer has a cart, utility cart for Cheri F., Taxi cart, others will be shared with gate captains. One for Security use. 

Grounds update: T.J. says all is going well so far. Chains and locks will be put on the 4 gates on  Wednesday 5/ 22. 

Taxi signs need to be put on carts. 

Kids Korner - Julie has prepared craft projects. Some are - 2 sets of construction from Home Depot, Hats made from newspaper, jewelry & others. 

Jim W. says check all keys to see which ones work.  

Paul Saurborn motions to adjourn. T.J. Collins seconds. All say yes.
 Meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.

Thursday 5/23 - meeting at Wingers campsite at 1:00 p.m.

Sincerely - NIBGA Secretary - Barbara Collins


 Thursday May 23, 2013                        1:00 P.M. @ Wingers Trailer
                    Noble County  Fairgrounds - Kendallville, IN

Officers Present:                          Board Directors: 
  President Jim Winger                    T.J. Collins
  Vice-President Joe Steiner            Pam Keiper
  Secretary Barbara Collins             Paul Saurborn
  Treasurer Linda Winger

Others: Chris Cooperrider- Workshop Chair/Taxi chair; Jeanette Young - Vendor Chair/Merchandise; Leslie Ellis - Gate Captain; Jan Meede - Gate Captain; Greg & Brenda Auldridge - Co-Gate Captains; Dave Smith - Gate Captain; Dave Vogie; Maggie Billby; Bill Merrill; 

Treasurer - Linda Winger; 205 people are registered as of today. $1709.  Up as of Wednesday. 

Vendor Chair - Jeanette Young. Ice cream stand came in on Monday. Jones came Wednesday. Several others in and more coming.

Gate - Pam K. & Paul S. -- All set. Schedule nearly full. 

Merchandise - Tonia Bacon - Inventory done. Ready to set up. 

Hospitality - Carolyn & Richard Bacon - Ready (All cookies are homemade) 

Grounds - T.J. C. & Dave K. - Few minor electric and water problems being attended to. All else good. Plenty of parking space left. 

Bands - Joe Steiner - All bands set. Thursday ones ready to go. 

Announcers - Cheri McKenley - Friday & Sunday; Terry Thacker - Thursday; Chris Vogie; Teri Grantis - Sunday. 

Kids Korner - Julie needs help with tables in Log Cabin on Saturday morning. 

B.U.G.  (Bluegrass Under Ground) 'Dog 1 Band' (from Chicago) set to play in Mini Barn at 10:45 Friday evening 5/23. Bacon's will provide fresh popcorn and hot coffee. Donation accepted. Band will play one hour and then there will be a open jamming until about 1:00 a.m..  (P.S. this was very successful with a large attendance.) 

Band Scramble - Ready to go on Saturday. 

50/50 Tickets being sold. Drawing on Saturday afternoon. 

All set for the wedding on Saturday. Golf carts will line up on the East side of the stage area at Supper Break. Ready to parade the entire fairgrounds and 'Bell' the newlyweds. 

The stage is set to go for the week end programs.

Secretary - Barbara Collins