Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association Orientation Meeting, November 17, 2013
At South West Conservation Club, Bluffton Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President - Joe Steiner at 12:30 p.m.
President - Jim Winger T.J. Collins
Vice-President - Joe Steiner Paul Saurborn
Secretary - Barbara Collins Pam Keiper (via conference phone)
Treasurer - Linda Winger
Others Present: Chris Cooperrider - Special Events; Jeanette Young - Vendor Chair & Merchandise; Leslie Ellis - Co Gate Captain; Past V. Pres. - Sandra Carnes; Jim Miller - Co Gate Captain; Greg and Brenda Auldridge - Co Gate Captains.
Secretary's report for the Oct 20th meeting was emiled to all officers Oct. 25th, 2013. No additions or corrections. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. Jim Winger seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's reports; The October 2013 Financial Report was emailed to all officers on 11/13/13. Report as of 10/31/13. The report was reviewed. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept the financial report. Pam Keiper seconded. All say yes. Motion carried.
Renewal response to expired membership mailings. 300 copies were printed. Over 200 were mailed to members who's membership has expired. Very few replies. Discussion on how to reach past members.
There was a review of Fall Festival financials. No change.
Merchandise report. No change.
* TABLED = Renegotiation of rent cost with Noble County Fair Board for 2014.
501C3 = Lengthy discussion about Grants:
Jim and Linda Winger attended a Grant learning class on Monday November 11, 2013 at the Fort Wayne Public Library. They will be attending more sessions. Some of the sessions cover: Stewardship for Non - Profits. (Jim & Linda)
Grant Basics 1 - Jim and Linda Winger.
Grant Basics 1 & 2 on Dec. 3rd - Joe and Chris Steiner
Grant Basics 2 - on Nov. 18th - Jim and Linda
There was much discussion on other deductible contributions.
Volunteer in-kind-time documentation: It is requested that all officers and volunteers send a 'Tally List' of time spent working at festivals, etc. Send to Chris (Cooperrider) Steiner.
Budget for 2014
Discussion of Band Budget, Advertising, Golf Carts, Tents. Are they adjustable?
Ticket prices for 2014 Festivals. After lengthy discussion there was a vote on Member and Non-member gate prices. It was purposed the prices need to be increased for financial reasons. To cover the rise in Electric, water, grounds rent, bands and all other necessary expenses to produce the festival for 2014. The band budget is the largest expense. After a in-depth look at expenses, T.J. Collins motioned to change the gate prices.
A members 3 day week-end gate ticket will be $25.00. A Non-member 3 day gate ticket will be $30.00. Plus the $10.00 one time charge for electric.
The daily ticket prices will be: Friday $10.00 - - Saturday $20.00 - - Sunday $15.00.
Paul Saurborn seconded the motion. All say yes. Motion carried.
TABLED = Special Events: Extended Workshops at the festival: Chris Cooperrider requested more money budgeted to pay for more expensive and experienced workshop directors for the classes.
TABLED = B.U.G, (Bluegrass Under Ground) Revisit in the spring.
TABLED - Band Scramble
Joe Steiner gave a report on the band hiring status. He is already working with bands for 2014.
Linda Winger reports: Golf Carts and Early Tent Rental contracts will be taken care of before the end of Dec. 2013. The price for delivery of Golf Carts is going up. There is a discount for Golf Carts and Tents with early payment.
It was approved for Linda Winger to purchase 2,000 Forever Stamps for mailing newsletters, before the increase to save the club money later.
Renewals for Ever note (Document Storage Facility) was agreed to renew.
TABLE = Grant to Suzuki for 2014.
No expenses to approve.
Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn. Jim Winger seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Sincerely, Barbara Collins - NIBGA Secretary.