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Thursday, April 26, 2012

May 26 events at Tri-State in Kendallville

Saturday events
Instrument Workshops by Detour
Bass Jack Grant 10:00 - 10:30 AM
Guitar Scott Zylstra 10:00 - 10:30 AM
Mandolin Jeff Rose 10:35 - 11:05 AM
Fiddle  Peter Knupfer 10:35 - 11:05 AM
Banjo Kevin Gaugier 11:10 - 11:40 AM
Kids Korner 10:00 - 11:30 AM
Intermediate Jam w Bilby and friends      noon - 1:30 PM

Monday, April 23, 2012

NIBGA April board meeting minutes

The April 15, 2012 meeting of Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association was held at Southwest Conservation Club, 5703 Bluffton Rd., Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Jim Winger NIBGA President called the meeting to order at 12:30 PM

Officers Present: Board Directors: President – Jim Winger;  T.J. Collins – director; V. President – Joe Steiner; Pam Keiper – director; Secretary – Barbara Collins;  Paul Saurborn – director;  Treasurer – Linda Winger

Others present were: Chris Cooperrider – Special Events; Jeanette Young – Vendors; Dave Keiper; Richard Bacon, Carolyn Bacon, Tonia Bacon, Jade Bacon.

Secretary report: March 18th minutes were e-mailed to all officers by Secretary Barbara Collins and posted on the NIBGA blog March 25 by Pres. Jim Winger. Paul Saurborn motioned to accept. Joe Steiner second. All approve. Motion carried.

Treasurers’ report: The financial report was e-mailed to all officers on April 11 by Treas. Linda Winger before the meeting on 4/15. Linda reviewed the financials and short discussion followed. Joe Steiner motioned to accept. Paul Saurborn second. All approve. Motion carried.


  • Memberships: About 50% of renewals have included SASE. Very few changed to e-mails. No Canadian renewals yet.
  • The Port-a-jons are ordered.
  • 501C3 application has begun. Nothing new to report at this time.
  • News Sun: We have been giving them vendor passes. Will send them 50 vendor passes for the advertisers in the wrap. The wrap is printed by News Sun and passed out at the festivals with advertisement and band schedule inside. For the 50 passes they will credit us $300 against the cost of the wrap.


  • TABLE: Emergency procedures. Do at May meeting at Kendallville.
  • Band Hosting: All bands that want hosted are matched up at this time except one. Henhouse Prowlers have not responded yet.
  • Saturday workshops: Dave Vogie and Detour. Detour agreed, schedule being worked out. Friday – Dan Miller will lead Friday workshop. Paul Saurborn motioned to charge $25 for the Friday workshop. Joe Steiner second. All agree. Motion carried. This workshop will be in the Log Cabin.
  • Review band vehicle requirements – Joe Steiner. Greg Cahill will have a small unit. Some will be in Vans. Some will stay at the Motel. Reserve spots close to the stage for these bands bringing instruments to the stage area.  Vernon McIntire will have a big van and will probably park at the gate in the first stall so he can vend.
  • Band Schedule-Band Scramble. Tonia Bacon. There will be a sign on the hill at the Bacons advertising the band scramble and where to sigh up. Bacons will be looking for participants.
  • Vendor report: Jeanette Young reports that Rhonda and Russell will not be coming. Fish guy not coming. Ice Cream stand – Yes.  Lions and Moose hopefully. Wood man – Yes. Others have inquired but no others are committed at this time. Room for more vendors.
  • Social Media: President Jim Winger reports he would like to see more post on the blog and NIBGA facebook.


  • Clarification of multiple members at one address membership fee: In the past we have charged the third or more members at the same address a “single” membership fee each. Two adults and one 17 year old would be $25 under the current practice. There are no written rules regarding this procedure. Suggestion was made as follows: Proposed rule: US memberships are same as last year, $10 for single and $15 for two at the same address. Each additional membership at the same address with one newsletter is $5.

    If the change is implemented, two adults and a 17 year old would be three memberships at $20.

    President Jim Winger proposed the change. Joe Steiner made a motion to accept. Paul Saurborn second. All agreed. Motion carried.
  • Labor Day workshops; Band Scramble – None for Fall.  Discussed fees for classes and who will manage. No fall Friday workshop. Just Saturday standard workshop. Co-coordinator – Dave Vogie. Lonesome Meadow will play at the Avilla Nursing Home.  Sunday schedule – all bands will play 45 minute sets. Mail Fall fliers in May newsletter.
  • Labor Day band schedule sequence. The line up was reviewed and suggestions for the line up were made. Joe will finalize before the festival so fall fliers can be available.
  • WAWK radio advertising: Joe Steiner and Chris Cooperrider will work up a add to be announced on the radio right before the Spring festival.
  • Kids Korner: Julie Goldsmith director. No report today but there will be a craft class at the spring festival as usual.
  • Nursing Home: There will be a band going to Avilla Nursing Home on Saturday during the spring festival.

Approval of expenses.

Next meeting of Northern Indiana Bluegrass Association will be Sunday May 18, 2012 at 2:00p.m., after a carry in dinner provided by the officers and volunteers at the Noble Co. Fairgrounds. All chairs and former board members are invited. We will prepare the newsletters for mailing after the meeting. Paul Saurborn motioned to adjourn the meeting. Joe Steiner second. Meeting adjourned at 1:40pm.

Sincerely – NIBGA Secretary – Barbara Collins

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

May 25 Guitar Workshop at Tri-State

Dan Miller, the editor and publisher of Flatpicking Guitar Magazine, will conduct a two-hour all-level flatpicking guitar workshop that will focus on how to use efficient left and right hand technique and mechanics to increase speed, improve note clarity and fluidity, and develop good tone and volume.  Dan said, "After interviewing over 200 professional guitar players for Flatpicking Guitar Magazine I took all of the information that I had gathered about developing speed, accuracy, and tone and worked with my good friends Brad Davis and Tim May to develop a book, DVD, and workshop presentation that would help players of all levels break through playing barriers and improve their tone, volume, speed, fluidity, and note accuracy."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

J.D. Crowe to hang up his banjo

Another banjo milestone is about to be passed. The great J.D. Crowe has announced his intention to retire from performing at the end of 2012. He will turn 75 years old this summer.

More at:

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Memberships due 5/1/2012

Many thanks to those of you sending SASE with your memberships. It makes the job easier and faster plus it saves the club money.

Also a big thanks to those signing up new members on a gift subscription. This is a good way to introduce folks to the bluegrass life.

It won't be long until we'll be kickin' up our heals at the Memorial Tri-State.

Linda Winger